Baden-Württemberg: Greens and CDU hold coalition negotiations


Status: 04/03/2021 4:10 pm

In Baden-Württemberg, the course has been set for the continuation of the coalition between the Greens and the CDU: Prime Minister Kretschmann declared in the presence of the CDU head of state, Strobl, that negotiations would take place.

In their final exploratory talks, the Greens and the CDU in Baden-Württemberg agreed to enter into coalition negotiations soon. Both parties agreed on a common document as the basis for the future coalition.

Great resentment at the Greens base

At the Green Base, there were recently strong doubts about a Green-Black reissue: On Thursday, numerous committee members initially opposed the recommendation of Prime Minister Green Kretschmann and the exploration team to meet with the CDU.

Instead, they wanted a semaphore with SPD and FDP. Only after a long break did the board of directors agree to Kretschmann’s request in the evening.

“No Abnickverein”

Kretschmann admitted that there were great concerns in his party against the relaunch of the green-black coalition. “We are not just a club,” he said.

The new coalition will implement an ambitious climate protection program that does not exist in other federal states. “It can be a new beginning.”

Solar obligation for all new private buildings

The Union has made many commitments. A central concern of the Greens, who clearly won the state elections nearly three weeks ago, is mandatory solar power for all new private buildings and when renovating roofs.

CDU head of state Thomas Strobl said the agreement on the coalition talks was “a good day for Baden-Württemberg.” The Greens “opened the doors” with their climate protection plans in the Union.

The following applies to this coalition: “We want to do a lot for the climate in good weather.” He emphasized: “We will be a consensus coalition with good compromises.”
