Bad video game: Sony backs down on Cyberpunk 2077


Sony is pulling the Cyberpunk 2077 video game, which was produced at a cost of millions, from the PlayStation Store after just one week. There are apparently technical problems with it.

By Mark Ehren,

In the run-up to the release of the Cyberpunk 2077 video game, a real stir broke out. Now Sony has removed the game from the PlayStation Store.

The reason for the surprising decision of the Japanese electronics company are apparently serious shortcomings, especially in the versions for Playstation 4 and Xbox One. The version for Microsoft Windows, on the other hand, should have much fewer errors.

Customers must recover the purchase price

In addition to the versions for these three platforms, the game has also been released for the Google Stadia and GeForce Now online gaming platforms. In the next year, according to previous plans, the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X should be on it.

Previous buyers through the PlayStation Store should receive the full purchase price, if they so choose. The goal is “a high level of customer satisfaction,” Sony said.

Health risks?

Quality issues are not Sony’s only problem. The group had already warned about health risks before sales began. Apparently an outside tester had an epileptic seizure while playing Cyberpunk 2077.

According to the developer of the video game, the Polish company CD Projekt Red, a “more permanent solution” should be sought to control the health risk “as soon as possible”.

Big setback for Sony

Sony invested heavily in Cyberpunk 2077. A total of 125 actors were hired, providing a total of 450 hours of dialogue. The most famous actor was Keanu Reeves. The Hollywood star is known for the Matrix trilogy, among other things. A total of around 500 employees are said to have worked on the project, experts estimate production costs at 270 million euros.

Cyberpunk 2077 had already been announced in 2012, but the launch of the finished product had already been postponed twice due to complexity.

There is a risk of large losses

For Sony, the damage is likely to be considerable in the short term. The example from Grand Theft Auto V shows just how great the potential is for elaborate computer games – around 135 million units of the game have been sold in seven years.

The target group should be similar. Both games are so-called open world games. These offer players almost unlimited freedom of movement in the respective virtual game world.

I look forward to updates

It is precisely these characteristics that make games like cyberpunk so attractive to computer gamers. Now Sony has to wait for the expected updates to solve the problems. In this case, most of the sales could only be postponed and not lost.

Inforadio reported on this issue on December 18, 2020 at 11:05 am
