Back to the climate deal: Biden is wasting no time


Return to the climate agreement and measures against the pandemic: shortly after taking office, the new president of the United States, Biden, signed the first orders. Meanwhile, Vice Harris swore in three new senators. This means that Democrats also have a majority in the Senate.

The measure was expected and, nevertheless, it has certain symbolic power: a few hours after taking office, the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, ordered the return of his country to the Paris climate agreement, thus reversing an important decision taken by his predecessor Trump. Biden signed a letter to this effect to the United Nations in the Oval Office. It also imposed a moratorium on oil and gas development in a nature preserve in Alaska and revoked a central permit for Canada’s Keystone XL pipeline.

First election campaign promise redeemed

Biden had repeatedly announced his return to international climate protection agreement obligations during the election campaign. He wants to make the United States, which currently has the world’s second largest emission of harmful greenhouse gases after China, into the leading nation in the fight against climate change.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was delighted with an initial reaction: with this, the United States was joining the growing coalition of governments, cities, states, companies and individuals, which was taking ambitious measures to face the crisis. climate, Guterres said in New York.

Corona virus takes immediate action

Biden also immediately took over the fight against the corona pandemic; He had already stated that these were the most important tasks of his presidency beforehand. For the next 100 days, a mask is required in all buildings subject to the federal government. In addition to public buildings and authorities, this also includes airports and trains. The United States will rejoin the World Health Organization. According to the AP news agency, Biden also signed an alleged executive order for this.

New tone in immigration policy

Finally, Biden lifted the entry ban for citizens of several Muslim countries, another move by Trump that had drawn much criticism internationally. The construction of the controversial wall on the border with Mexico, a favorite project of its predecessor, is halted.

Democrats again with majority in Congress

As Biden overturned the Trump administration regulations and decrees in the White House, his deputy Kamala Harris swore in three new Democratic senators in the Senate. Democrats have a total of 50 senators, as many as Republicans. In fact, however, Democrats have the upper hand because Harris is also the Speaker of the Senate and therefore has the swing vote at a standstill. Since Democrats also have a majority in the House of Representatives, Biden can expect much less resistance in parliament for important bills than he would have been the case in a divided Congress.

Ruhe in Washington

Biden and Harris announced that they would begin work immediately after their opening. However, prior to that, the two had visited the military cemetery in Arlington along with former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and had laid a wreath at the grave of the unknown soldier. Only then did Biden drive to the White House with his wife Jill.

The US media highlighted that Biden walked the last few meters to the building. This shows that the situation in the American capital is calm. Prior to the new president’s inauguration, there were serious concerns that unrest and violence could reoccur from supporters of President-elect Trump.

These had broken into the Capitol two weeks ago. Five people died in the process and during the demonstration around the building.
