Auto toll issue: letter confirms accusation against cleanup


Germany Minister of Transport in distress

The letter confirms the accusation of scrubbing in the case of tolls

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Matthias Kamann

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Suspected legal violations: 2019 letter puts the transport minister in trouble

Source: dpa / Julian Stratenschulte

According to the Federal Audit Office, the Minister of Transport Scheuer should have violated public procurement law in regards to automobile tolls. A letter from Telekom’s subsidiary T-Systems suggests that the Ministry has been misled.

MeIn the case of the failed toll, new documents corroborate the accusation made by the Federal Audit Office against Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) of a violation of the basic provisions of the public procurement law. In February 2019, a manager at Telekom’s subsidiary, T-Systems, complained in a letter to the Federal Ministry of Transport that T-Systems did not report changes in requirements for private operators during contract negotiations on the collection of car tolls in the fall of 2018 had been.

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05.02.2020, Berlin: Andreas Scheuer (CSU), Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure, is waiting for the start of the Federal Cabinet meeting at the Chancellery. Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Specifically, the letter, which is available to WELT AM SONNTAG, states that the use of payment agents for the truck toll was initially ruled out in the auto toll contract negotiations, but was later allowed to the consortium of companies’ operators. Kapsch and Eventim were eventually selected without T-Systems as the bidder having been informed of this change in conditions. “If we had also been given the opportunity to use the infrastructure of the toll station and the terminals of the toll station for truck tolls, in all likelihood we would have made a final offer for the automobile toll,” said the letter.

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However, T-Systems, which abandoned auto tolls in October 2018, would have had to assume that the ministry would request the establishment of its own network of terminals for automobile tolls. “This requirement and the associated investments and risks were a key factor in our decision not to submit a final offer,” the T-Systems manager wrote to the ministry. Since T-Systems, as a co-bidder, was not informed about the options that would later be opened for Kapsch / Eventim, the letter speaks of alleged violations of the law by the Ministry. The letter ends with the phrase that T-Systems “reserves the right to claim damages.”

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