Auto Summit: Apparently no purchase premiums for cars with internal combustion engines


Politics and business want to examine additional aid for Germany’s ailing auto industry. It is a question of whether, and if so, how a “market economy concept” to strengthen social capital could be developed primarily by supplier companies, as can be seen from the results of the “Automobile Summit”. This became available to the German Press Agency on Tuesday evening.

On the other hand, the objective is to examine what other aspects should be taken into account in the “future investments” in the automobile industry foreseen in the economic stimulus package. State purchase premiums for cars with modern combustion engines are not mentioned in the draft results document.

The working groups should discuss these issues until the next meeting of the “Concerted Mobility Action”. Therefore, the next high-level meeting is scheduled for November.

The top round also agreed to advance digital transformation around cars and autonomous driving. The charging network for electric cars should be more accessible to customers.

In the evening, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), federal ministers and representatives of automakers and unions also participated in a video conference, as well as prime ministers of federal states where many people work in the automotive industry.

The CSU, in particular, is asking for state purchase premiums for cars with modern internal combustion engines in order to stimulate demand that has fallen during the crown crisis. Furthermore, the automotive industry is already undergoing a difficult transformation towards alternative units. Then there is the digital shift.

IG Metall, Greens and SPD had campaigned for a state investment fund to help midsize companies in the auto industry.

In June, the coalition decided on an additional program totaling two billion euros for future investments by vehicle manufacturers and the supplier industry. This is intended to promote investments in new technologies, for example. The Ministry of Economy is currently working on implementation.

Icon: The mirror
