Authorities: No connection: Switzerland dies after Covid vaccination


Authorities: Offline
Switzerland dies after Covid vaccination

Following the death of a recently vaccinated person against the coronavirus in Switzerland, health authorities see no indication of a possible connection to vaccination.


(Photo: REUTERS)

Due to the medical history and course of the disease, a connection between the death of the 91-year-old man from a nursing home in the canton of Lucerne and vaccination with the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine is “highly unlikely,” he said Wednesday. the Swissmedic health authority.

According to Swissmedic, the deceased suffered from several serious previous illnesses. Neither the medical history nor the acute course of the disease suggested a direct connection to vaccination. A natural cause of death is assumed.

In Switzerland, the corona virus vaccination campaign started on December 23. So far, there have been no unknown side effects with the vaccines, Swissmedic emphasized.
