Austrian Crown: Sebastian Kurz announces second lockdown with “visit ban”


foreign countries Coronavirus

Second blockade in Austria with a nightly “visiting ban”

| Reading time: 3 minutes

New crown measures briefly announced

Due to the sharp increase in the number of corona infections, the Austrian government has decided to take further action. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced a four-week partial shutdown that includes night-out restrictions.

Corona infection figures are skyrocketing across Europe. Austria is also reacting and will close numerous areas starting Tuesday. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz speaks of “tough measures”.

IIn Austria, a second lockdown will begin to contain the growing number of coronavirus infections. This was announced by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) on Saturday at a press conference. “You know that we are experiencing a second intense wave throughout Europe.” Many neighboring countries are already in a second blockade. Also in Austria there is exponential growth, Kurz said, adding: “In the last week there has been an almost explosive increase.”

Therefore, there will be “tough measures”. “From Tuesday until the end of November there will be a second blockade.” Therefore, the contagion figures should be reduced.

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Kurz announced that events in the cultural, sports and leisure sectors are no longer possible. Funerals are excluded. As in Germany, the hospitality industry should also close, only take-out and delivery are allowed. “These steps are necessary … because there are many meetings there.” High-level sport can take place without an audience. Sport, on the other hand, is only allowed outdoors without physical contact.

To cushion the financial consequences, Kurz promised an aid package. 80 percent of the previous year’s sales will be transferred to the companies. This means that they are not allowed to fire their employees. Short-time work will also be expanded. However, unlike the first closure, retail and services such as hair salons must remain open.

Austria also reacts differently in the education sector than the first time. Children up to the tenth grade should “for the time being” continue in kindergarten and, with the requirement of a mask from the age of six, go to school, higher level and students “will move on to education at distance”.

“Most infections occur with people who know each other”

Kurz emphasized that it was about reducing contacts. “Most infections occur between people who know and love each other.” As a result, only two households should meet as of Tuesday. Exit restrictions must be applied between 8 pm and 6 am Kurz said that these restrictions amounted to a “visiting ban”: Visitors were no longer allowed to visit at night. You are only allowed to leave the apartment for specific reasons.

He is aware of the massive restrictions on freedom. They are “woefully necessary for God to avoid an intensive care overload.”

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Parliament’s main committee has yet to approve the measures on Sunday afternoon. Exit restrictions must be approved by parliament every ten days.

Kurz cited 6,000 new infections per day as a critical value for further tightening measures to prevent hospitals from becoming overloaded. On Saturday, Austria tallied 5,349 new cases in 24 hours for its nearly nine million residents, after a record 5,627 new infections in one day were reported on Friday.

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