Augsburg: co-founder of the anti-crown movement: “Our protest is not heard”



In April, Alexander Linder co-founded the “Defend Basic Rights” movement in Augsburg. In the interview, explain what frustrates him and why rallies are reduced.

Herr Linder, the movement has existed since spring “Fundamental rights true “in Augsburg, who repeatedly organized protests against the crown measures. What have you achieved with the group so far?

Alexander linder: One of our intentions was for people to find out more about the virus and question things themselves rather than just believing everything. We probably did pretty well. The only channel we communicate on is Telegram: more than 1,200 people follow us. We also wanted to get to local politics. Democracy begins with people, as citizens, we can only communicate from the bottom up.

So, do you feel heard about politics?

Linder: Unfortunately no, everything that goes from the bottom up is not heard. With the latest reform of the Infection Protection Law, basic rights were restricted.

Do you deny politics to want the best for the people?

Linder: Politicians are people too. I am convinced that their actions are also based on fear. Whatever the fear. And where there is fear, there is no love.

Most citizens are behind infection control measures. How can they all be wrong in your eyes?

Linder: The masses do not realize what is happening because they are not interested and because they are also afraid. People are not stupid, they only use their intelligence in a one-sided way. The trend is that everyone specializes in their field, but no longer has a broad general education.

You and the movement are repeatedly called “crown deniers.” Deny the existence of COVID-19?

Linder: Of course we deny it
no, but I believe in immunity, as Ayurveda describes it. For that you have to work with the landlord. We know that diabetics are vulnerable because they have low levels of vitamin D3. Instead of injecting billions into the economy, at-risk patients could receive vitamin D3 in a controlled manner. There are other examples where immunity could be used.

Alexander Linder is a hairdresser and Ayurveda expert, and one of the initiators of the protests against the Corona rules in Augsburg.

Image: Ulrich Wagner

His recent light marches to the Augsburg retirement homes were heavily criticized by citizens, local politicians and also by the church …

Linder: We wanted to be an example for the elderly and children who suffer the most from restrictions. But when people accuse us of something like light marches, they suggest that we are inconsiderate and even guilty of spreading the virus. There is no evidence that people get infected at rallies where we keep our distance.

A pastor from Augsburg accused you and the group of being very open to the extreme right. What you think?

Linder: If the pastor accuses us of being on the right, I want to know if he asks the parishioners who among them vote for the AfD. Personally, I distance myself from the right. But it’s not my job to check the attitudes of all the participants at our rallies. We were also asked to be too nice and more political. But we don’t want that at all. We tell them to register their own demo. I would like a democratic dialogue and that the people are not condemned in advance and crudely pigeonholed.

Consequently, protesters in Germanythat they deal with Sophie Scholl Y Anna Frank compare and with your bad taste attracting the ire of people, you and your movement do a disservice …

Linder: Absolutely. Because the actual content of the protest is no longer heard. And there is a risk that elements such as contact fault and kinship responsibility are used. That is bad and undemocratic.

How do you intend to continue the Augsburg movement?

Linder: We always wanted to make a difference locally. But we no longer know who the real recipient of our demands is. Eva Weber is gone. The wind from the general weather situation blows us in the face from a different direction every day. We will change the form of our rallies, we will reduce them. We have been campaigning for our basic rights since the end of April, along with our professions and families. Some of us are tired now.

Why is the mayor no longer your recipient?

Linder: The wind is blowing violently from Munich, apparently a real interest in finding solutions in the approach should be avoided. That shows me that the course is set in Augsburg. The same happens with the climate debate and the climate camp that has existed for months next to the city hall.

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