Attila Hildmann: the Berlin prosecutor’s office is apparently investigating


The list of criminal charges against Attila Hildmann is long: the vegan cookbook author is accused of threats, insults and sedition. But so far there have been no charges against Hildmann. Now the Berlin prosecutor’s office is apparently taking over the investigation against the 39-year-old, who describes himself as a “far right” preacher and conspiracy. First, NDR, WDR and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported.

Hildmann’s apartment in Brandenburg was only searched on Tuesday. A police spokesman announced that the search had been ordered by the local court of Bernau (Barnim) in order to avoid danger. Due to Hildmann’s place of residence, the Cottbus prosecutor is actually responsible for the case and, according to the police spokesman, there are several preliminary investigations against the 39-year-old man, including suspicions of sedition.

According to the police, six laptops and computers, several cell phones and other storage media were seized during the search of the apartment. “The goal was to make it more difficult to commit more crimes on the Internet,” said a spokesman. In addition, the officials had delivered a threatening speech.

The reports and accusations against Hildmann have been building up for months.

Apparently, the Berlin authorities were not moving fast enough: according to media reports, Brandenburg lawyers were unable to decide for or against an indictment despite the numerous reports and accusations that have accumulated against Hildmann for months. Therefore, not even an assessment of the insured mobile phones this week has been possible so far. Because the Bernau district court only allowed search and seizures in order to prevent future crimes.

In his news channel on Telegram, through which he spreads hatred and conspiracy ideologies, Hildmann confirmed the police operation. The “Tagesspiegel” reported on it first.
