Attack on policemen at party by AfD politician


Due to the disturbing noise and the lighting of fireworks, the police were called to the apartment in Cottbus on Sunday at one thirty at night.
Image: Imago

When police arrived at an apartment in Cottbus on Sunday night, nine people celebrated there, with alcohol and fireworks. An angry man suddenly attacked an officer, knelt over him, and strangled him.

meIn Cottbus, a party at the apartment of an AfD councilor is said to have escalated over the weekend. According to a police report, officials were called to the department around 1:30 on Sunday for the disturbing noise and the lighting of fireworks, housing nine people between 18 and 46 years old.

Markus Wehner

The 33-year-old head of the family is said to have behaved aggressively towards officials and refused to establish his identity. A 35-year-old man suddenly attacked a police officer and caused him to fall. The man immediately knelt over the police officer and strangled him. The attack was only stopped with pepper spray. The man and the owner of the apartment were later taken into custody.

The breathalyzer tests had values ​​of 1.58 and 1.77 per thousand, so the blood samples were ordered. The criminal police are investigating the resistance and assault on police officers. According to the “Lausitzer Rundschau”, the party is said to have taken place at the apartment of Councilor Monique Buder. AfD member of the state parliament Daniel Freiherr von Lützow was one of the guests. According to the police, the health department was informed about the containment ordinance violations.

According to the “Lausitzer Rundschau”, both AfD politicians are seen as opposing the mask requirement. Buder is said to have participated in a demonstration of “lateral thinkers” in Leipzig in November, and von Lützow in a protest march in August.
