Attack on Hamburg synagogue: “This is not an isolated incident”


The sword attack in front of a Hamburg synagogue on a Jewish student causes commotion: Foreign Minister Maas spoke of “disgusting anti-Semitism”. A reference to his motive was found in the perpetrator in camouflage suit.

The attack on a Jewish student in Hamburg sparks memories of the Halle attack and is widely criticized: “This is not an isolated case, it is disgusting anti-Semitism and we must all stand against it,” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said. His thoughts are with the student.

Better protection is required

CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak also called the attack “a disgusting act.” Protecting Jewish life in Germany “remains our daily duty,” he said on Twitter.

The German Orthodox Rabbinical Conference (ORD) described the incident as “another shock to the Jewish community in Germany.” It was “unbearable to experience hatred and violence against Jews over and over again on German streets,” said ORD board member Avichai Apel. He called for better protection for Jewish life in Germany.

The president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald S. Lauder, was also shocked. He regretted that a year after the attack in Halle, a German Jewish community was again faced with an “violent and anti-Semitic act of terrorism,” Lauder said. In Hamburg, the security presence was not enough to protect someone from serious injury.

Attack with a shovel

During a student celebration on the occasion of the Sukkot Jewish Tabernacle Festival at the Hohe Weide Synagogue in Hamburg, an attacker dressed in military clothing inflicted a serious head injury on a Jewish student with a shovel. The security forces guarding the synagogue managed to subdue and arrest the attacker.

According to the Hamburg police, state security and the homicide department took over the investigation.

The assailant made an “extremely confused impression”

The 29-year-old alleged perpetrator gives an “extremely confusing impression,” according to police. It was very difficult to question him, said a police spokeswoman for the dpa news agency. The attacker is a German citizen from Berlin with Kazakh roots.

Initially, the spokeswoman was unable to provide further information on the crime’s history. According to information from the dpa, it is said that the attacker had a piece of paper with a swastika in her pocket. No police statement available.

A year ago, two people were killed in an attack on a synagogue on Yom Kippur in Halle.

NDR Info reported on this issue on October 4, 2020 at 7:00 pm
