Attack near Paris: police arrest another person


Eleven people have been arrested in connection with the murder of a teacher near Paris. According to information from the French antiterrorist prosecutor’s office, a friend of the attacker has been arrested. Investigating authorities qualify the knife attack on Friday as Islamist terrorism. The perpetrator was shot and killed by the police shortly after the crime.

Those arrested include, on the one hand, people close to the perpetrator. Investigators also target people who have raised their spirits against the teacher. Some of them are also in police custody.

The victim of the attack is a 47-year-old teacher at a collège, a type of school between a German primary school and a primary school. The educator had shown cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class to discuss freedom of expression. Then there were complaints with the school management. The father of a student had also mobilized online against the teacher.

The prosecution has not yet established a direct connection between the father and the aggressor. He lived in the town of Évreux, about 90 kilometers from the crime scene in Éragny.

Otherwise, little has been made public about the attacker’s background. The BFM television station reported on Friday night that it was an 18-year-old who was born in Moscow. After the crime in a Paris suburb, he posted a photo of the dead man on social media and wrote that he had looked down on the prophet Muhammad.

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke on Friday of an Islamist terrorist attack and said the teacher was killed for defending freedom of expression. The attack was aimed at the entire republic.

Second attack in a few weeks

On Sunday there will be expressions of solidarity throughout France. Among other things, the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” is organizing a demonstration. It will take place in the afternoon at the Place de la République in Paris. It is a symbolic place: after the horror series in January 2015, which also included the attack on “Charlie Hebdo”, thousands of victims were commemorated there. Since then, the square has become a central place of sympathy.

Just a few weeks ago there was a knife attack in front of the former editorial building of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris. Two people were injured; here too, investigators assume a terrorist background.

At the same time, the trial of the alleged helpers of the horror series in January 2015 has been taking place in Paris since the beginning of September. 14 people are charged. A total of 17 people were killed in various attacks in January 2015. The attacks not only affected the newsroom of “Charlie Hebdo”, but also a kosher supermarket in Paris. All three perpetrators were shot dead by security forces.

Icon: The mirror
