Attack in Vienna – Live indicator: +++ 04:21 Biden and US government officials comment on attack +++


US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks of a “terrible terrorist attack” in Vienna: “We must all unite against hatred and violence,” he says. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brian said of the attack: “There is no justification for such hatred and violence.”

+++ 03:55 The UN Secretary General follows the situation “with extreme concern” +++
The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, strongly condemned the terrorist attack. He is following the situation with “extreme concern,” the UN chief said, according to an evening statement in New York. Guterres expressed his condolences to the victim’s family and wished the injured a speedy recovery. The United Nations is on the side of the Austrian people and their government.

+++ 03:00 ammunition, pistol, machete, long gun – the murdered attacker was “very well prepared” +++
An explosive belt found on the attacker whom police shot was apparently a mannequin, as Mayor Michael Ludwig explained. In addition, the man was armed with a large amount of ammunition, a machete, a pistol and an automatic assault rifle. The man was “very well prepared,” Ludwig said.

+++ 02:08 attack claims more deaths +++
The attack in Vienna claimed a second civilian death: as Mayor Michael Ludwig at ORF said, a woman died in hospital from her serious injuries. The first victim is a man. One of the attackers also died.

+++ 01:36 Jewish institutions in Vienna remain “closed as a precaution” +++
Oskar Deutsch, president of the Austrian Israeli Religious Society, announced that “as a precautionary measure, all synagogues, Jewish schools, as well as IKG institutions, kosher restaurants and supermarkets will be closed tomorrow.” The attack began in the vicinity of the Vienna synagogue. It is not yet clear whether the act of violence has an anti-Semitic record.

+++ 01:21 At least one perpetrator keeps running +++
Interior Minister Karl Nehammer announced that at least one suspect remained at large. Due to the dangerous situation, he appealed to the citizens of Vienna to stay home on Tuesday if possible. Compulsory schooling in Vienna is suspended on Tuesday. It is the most difficult day for Austria in many years. We are facing a terrorist attack, which fortunately has not been the case for many years. “

In response to the fatal shots, the Czech police announced “random” checks on the border with the neighboring country. Interior Minister Jan Hamacek said the police are in contact with his Austrian colleagues. In Bavaria, however, there were initially no major controls at the Austrian border, as explained by the Potsdam Federal Police Directorate.

+++ 01:05 Wounded cop is out of danger +++
The police officer who was shot near the synagogue is apparently no longer in danger of death, Chancellor Kurz confirmed. The police officer was seriously injured and is currently in an operation, Vienna Police Chief Gerhard Pürstl said.

+++ 00:48 President of Austria: will defend freedom and democracy +++
Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen strongly condemned the alleged terrorist attack and assured the victims of his support. “We will defend our freedom and democracy together and resolutely by all means.” He is in communication with the government. At the same time, Van der Bellen appreciated the support of other heads of state and government.

+++ 00:14 Bottom line: the perpetrators had automatic weapons +++
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has shared new findings about the perpetrators. They must proceed “very well equipped”, “highly professional” with “automatic weapons”, he said in ORF. The operation is still in full swing. “The situation remains tense.” It is not yet clear whether public life can resume normally in the morning. This depends on development at night. The suspects are still on the run.

+++ 23:54 Macron says Austria will support +++
French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed his condolences to Austria. Macron had promised Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz full solidarity and support for France and offered help if needed, according to the presidential palace in Paris. The French shared the shock and sadness of the Austrians, Macron wrote also in German and French on Twitter. “After France, it is a friendly country that is under attack. This is our Europe,” Macron continued. “Our enemies need to know who they are dealing with. We will not give in to anything.”

+++ 23:28 Chancellor Kurz condemns “disgusting terrorist attack” +++
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) condemned the alleged attack in Vienna on Monday night as a “disgusting terrorist attack”. “Our police will take decisive action against the perpetrators of this disgusting terrorist attack,” the Austrian head of government wrote on the short message service Twitter. “We are currently going through difficult hours in our republic. I would like to thank all the emergency services who risk their lives, especially today for our safety,” Kurz wrote. “The whole country is in thoughts with the victims, the injured and their families, to whom I express my deepest condolences.”

+++ 23:18 armed forces called to Vienna – support to the police +++
Austrian Interior Minister Nehammer told ORF that the armed forces had been called in to support in Vienna. Soldiers are supposed to take over the protection of property in the city so that the police can focus on fighting terrorism.

+++ 23:10 Mayor: Check if the killer is wearing an explosives belt +++
In a conversation with the ORF, the mayor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig, stated that the perpetrator of the murder was under investigation. On the one hand, to obtain more information about the attackers, but also to clarify whether he had worn an explosives belt. Police continue to assume that there are multiple perpetrators.

+++ 23:01 15 injured are treated at the hospital +++
According to an ORF reporter, 15 victims of the attack are being treated in hospitals. Seven of them were seriously injured.

+++ 22:57 Google marks crime scene with warning signs +++
Google has now marked one of the crime scenes with a warning sign. At the Seitenstettengasse at Schwedenplatz, a red exclamation mark with the inscription “Vienna – incident” was displayed on the Google map service. Police had previously tweeted that shots had been fired there around 8 p.m. Austrian news agency APA reported that the police were asking people to leave the city center. “Get out of the first district!” Heavily armed police officers in protective clothing yelled at cyclists, walkers and passersby. The first district is the city center of the Austrian capital.

+++ 10:40 pm Vienna Police: one perpetrator shot – six crime scenes +++
According to police, a perpetrator was shot in the alleged terrorist attack in Vienna on Monday night. In the area of ​​a synagogue, several perpetrators with long weapons were on the move. There are six crime scenes. A passerby died.

+++ 22:35 German politicians are dismayed +++
German politicians reacted with dismay to the alleged terrorist attack in central Vienna. SPD Chairman Norbert Walter-Borjans spoke on Twitter Monday night of “shocking news.” “Whatever the motive and whoever the perpetrator is. Such acts deserve ostracism, zero tolerance and all the harshness of the law.” FDP leader Christian Lindner tweeted: “Our thoughts are on #Vienna.”

+++ 22:20 Local transport does not stop in the center of Vienna +++
According to the police, there are currently no public transport stops in the center of Vienna. “Stay safe, leave public places immediately,” tweeted police in the Austrian capital.

+++ 22:15 The Minister of the Interior assumes a “terrorist attack” after the shooting in Vienna +++
Following the shooting near a synagogue in central Vienna, Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer spoke of an “apparent terrorist attack”. The attack continues and there are several perpetrators, the minister told the ORF television station on Monday night. Several people were injured.
