Attack in Vienna: “Europe must react”


There has been a serious armed attack in the center of Vienna. The government speaks of a terrorist attack. Politicians around the world are dismayed. Summary of the first reactions.

Late in the night, numerous politicians expressed their dismay at the events in Vienna. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) condemned the alleged attack in Vienna as a “disgusting terrorist attack”. “Our police will take decisive action against the perpetrators of this disgusting terrorist attack,” the Austrian head of government wrote on the short message service Twitter.

Austria’s Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen assured the victims of his support. “We are all deeply affected,” the head of state said Monday night on Twitter. Thoughts and compassion are with the victims, the injured and their families, he tweeted. The federal president emphasized: “We will defend together and resolutely our freedom and democracy by all means.” He is in communication with the government. At the same time, Van der Bellen appreciated the support of other heads of state and government.

Macron: “He won’t budge”

French President Emmanuel Macron wrote in German that the French shared the shock and sadness of the Austrians. “After France, it is a friendly country that is under attack. This is our Europe. Our enemies need to know who they are dealing with. We will not give in to anything.”

The President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, expressed her solidarity with Austria in a Twitter post. “We are stronger than hatred and terror,” von der Leyen wrote.

The President of the Council of the EU, Charles Michel, condemned the act as a cowardly act against human values. “My thoughts are with the victims and the people in Vienna after the terrible attack tonight,” wrote Michel. Europe is on the side of Austria.

UN Secretary General António Guterres follows the situation with “extreme concern,” he said in a statement. Guterres expressed his condolences to the victim’s family and wished the injured a speedy recovery. The United Nations is on the side of the Austrian people and their government.

“Europe must react”

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wrote on Twitter: “In our common European home there should be no room for hatred and violence,” Conte wrote on Twitter Monday night. Italy supports the Austrian people. The country thinks of the families of the victims and the injured. Rome’s Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio made a similar statement. “Europe must react,” he wrote.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed his horror at the situation in Vienna: “I am deeply shocked by the terrible attacks in Vienna tonight. Britain’s thoughts are with the Austrian people; we are united with you against terrorism.” Johnson wrote on Twitter. .

US presidential candidate Joe Biden took to Twitter to share his condolences with the victims and loved ones. “After the terrible terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria, Jill and I keep the victims and their families in our prayers. We must all unite against hatred and violence.”

Initially, there was no reaction to the attack by US President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brian said of the attack: “There is no justification for such hatred and violence.”

German politicians express their condolences

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the attack “terrible news.” Federal Minister for the Economy Peter Altmaier announced: “The terrorist attack in Vienna is shaking us deeply.” Foreigners also condemned the alleged attack: “Even if the scale of the terror is not yet foreseeable: our thoughts are with the wounded and the victims in these difficult hours,” read a message that was published Monday night by the German Chancellery. On twitter. “We must not give in to the hatred that is supposed to divide our societies.”

SPD President Norbert Walter-Borjans wrote on Twitter: “Whatever the motive and whoever the perpetrator is. Such acts deserve to be excluded, zero tolerance and all the harshness of the law.” FDP leader Christian Lindner tweeted: “Our thoughts are on #Vienna.”

Greens federal CEO Michael Kellner tweeted: “This is just terrible – with thoughts on #Vienna. Together against anti-Semitism.” Federal Government Migration Commissioner Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU) also spoke via short message service: “Terrible news from #Vienna. My thoughts are with the citizens and emergency services at the scene.”
