Attack in Paris: Macron: teacher is the victim of an Islamist terrorist act


In a Paris suburb, a man is attacked and beheaded on the street. Meanwhile, terrorism investigators are investigating and Head of State Macron finds clear words at the scene.

According to French President Emmanuel Macron, the bloody attack on a history professor in a Paris suburb was an Islamist terrorist attack. Macron said that late at night near the crime scene. “One of our fellow citizens was killed today because he was teaching, because he taught the students freedom of expression, the freedom to believe and not to believe,” Macron said visibly ill. The incident took place in the Parisian suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in the afternoon.

The man was reportedly assaulted on the street and beheaded. The anti-terrorist prosecutor has taken over the investigation. The victim is reported to have shown cartoons of Muhammad in class. The alleged perpetrator was arrested by the police shortly afterwards in nearby Éragny. According to the media, he tried to attack the police, they shot him and killed him. Various media outlets reported that the attacker was said to be an 18-year-old. It is said that he screamed “Allahu akbar” (“God is great”) and was armed with a kitchen knife. There was no official confirmation for this. The history teacher is said to have shown Muhammad cartoons on the subject of freedom of expression in class.

No details on the course of the crime

Broadcaster BFM reported in a video that a schoolboy’s father is said to have posted on YouTube earlier this month. The video should also have been about the Mohammed cartoons. Macron did not provide details on the course of the crime and referred to the prosecutor, who will comment in a few hours. “I call on all our compatriots to unite, to be united (…)”, said the President. Macron also did not comment on the alleged perpetrator or the victim. “He won’t get away with it,” he said, referring to the violence and terrorists.

“Islamism is waging a war against us: we have to expel it from our country,” replied far-right politician Marine Le Pen on Twitter. Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer wrote on the Internet about an attack on the republic: “Our unity and determination are the only answer to the enormity of Islamist terrorism.” Attacking a teacher means attacking all French citizens and freedom, wrote the president of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, on Twitter. Just a few weeks ago there was a knife attack in front of the former editorial building of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris. Two people were injured; here too, investigators assume a terrorist background. In January 2015 there was a fatal attack on the editorial staff of “Charlie Hebdo”. At the beginning of the trial, the magazine had republished cartoons of Muhammad and was seriously threatened. The author of the knife attack stated that he could not bear it.

The editorial staff of “Charlie Hebdo” expresses its condolences

At the same time, the trial of the alleged helpers of the terror series in January 2015, in which a total of 17 people died, has been taking place in Paris since the beginning of September. You can only enter the Palace of Justice in high security conditions. A verdict is expected in November. The editorial staff of “Charlie Hebdo” expressed their condolences to the relatives of the murdered teacher. A man was beheaded in an Islamist-motivated attack in 2015. A 35-year-old man was overwhelmed while attempting to set off explosions at an industrial gas plant in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, near Lyon. He had previously beheaded his employer and stuck his head out with two Islamist flags at the factory fence.

France has been rocked by Islamist attacks for years: more than 250 people died. Therefore, people are almost always aware of the threat of terrorism. The French government has made the fight against terrorism a top priority and continues to warn that the risk of terrorist attacks is very high.
