Atila Hildmann in crisis crown: a cook turns freely – “The mask is the new swastika”


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The wildest conspiracy theories circulate in times of the crown crisis. However, many are only interested in gaining power. New to the front: Chef Attila Hildmann.

Attila Hildmann He is a cook and author by profession. He has already published numerous books on vegan cooking and his work “Vegan for Fun” was awarded the “Book of the Year” by the German Vegetarian Federation in 2012.

In times of crown, the cook Attila Hildmann turns freely

Television appearances also came with success: “People at Maischberger”, Total TV and at “Night Cafe” he was a guest. Even on “Let’s Dance” he was allowed to run in 2016 and took a remarkable 12th place.

But in Crown times, Hildmann spins freely. Anyone who scans their Facebook profile concludes that the term “Conspiracy theory“Insufficiently describes his agitation.

“Our Telegram group is the guardian of truth in a world of lies and manipulation! It is your duty to spread them! Send the link to ALL CONTACTS!” Hildmann demanded on April 30, amidst the Crown crisis and although he had called on the 27th of the same month to convince with “absolutely calm objectivity”.

Atila Hildmann: Was Olympia 2012 already referring to Corona 2020?

What he means by this can be seen, for example, in this contribution from “Telegram”: “Opening ceremony Olympia 2012! Coincidence? Or planned for a long time and announced here as a ceremony, what’s to come? At least Check it out! Disturbing! ”What it means is the opening sequence in London, which celebrates the National Health Service with children in sick beds, including health workers, although this is not the image that is relevant to the current one. Crown pandemic fits

According to the evaluation of the federal Minister of Education, Karliczek (sic), regular school operations could only be possible if large sectors of the population opposed this. Corona virus get vaccinated You don’t have to share this review, but what does Hildmann do with it? “Our children should believe in it.”

Coronavirus: May 15 is expiration date – says Koch Attila Hildmann

On May 15, we are all truly lost: “If mine and the theories (and the) of others are correct, we will be governed by the darkest powers and on May 15, after the new law comes into force, YOU WILL REMOVE ALL YOUR MASK and you Show the true face! “Who are the darkest powers in the world conspiracy? Probably next to Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation also the Bilderberger -” Google all the governors and the word ‘Bilderberger’ … THERE ARE ALL THE ENEMIES OF OUR DEMOCRACY! “These are the usual suspects who always have to contend with conspiracy theories about radical opponents of vaccination and cross-questioning. That was before. Crown crisis and that also applies to that.

Anyone who does not allow themselves to be vaccinated loses their fundamental rights, the Bundeswehr operations in the interior are fabulous and not in their supporting role, as is the case in the Crown crisis this is already the case, but: “Then the Federal Council can also be undermined. Democracy becomes a dictatorship! TO THE GERMAN PEOPLE: stand up!” Yes, here really is a “red alert” in its full form, for which the recipient is clearly formulated: the German people. What about all non-Germans? Are they not considered sleeping sheep?

Vegan cook Attila Hildmann sees the big conspiracy in the corona virus.

© Vegan chef Attila Hildmann sees the great conspiracy in the corona virus.

But he can do even more: “Mask it is the new swastika “???”, he himself quotes, but without formulating from whom he obtained this famous statement. Even if it has three question marks, it trivializes National Socialism.

In the middle, images of Attila H. in martial design: one in ancient armor with a sword, looking aside grimly, again with a pistol in hand, probably to suggest that it really has nothing to do with it. (“And here are some more pictures of weapons …”).

If one could ignore them, these poses would not fit perfectly with their on-demand messages: “I do it in the fight for our freedom, then only with a gun in my hand and my head held high! But it was worth it because the truth was revealed! … On the other hand: this fight can now bring us political power if we do it wisely! ”

Crown crisis: Attila Hildmann following Xavier Naidoo?

And slowly, all the madness turns into a shoe. After all, the goal of cross fronts is not new, to cross borders from right and left, to finally shake up the democratic state, with a conglomerate of conspiracy theorists, right-wing extremists, and Reich citizens.

They tried this unsuccessfully in 2014, when so-called vigils preached peace every Monday and at the same time questioned the state in its current form. At that time I was already Xavier Naidoo with the party that had served the citizens of the Reich. In this mix, the vegan chef from Berlin now wants to establish himself as a front fighter. If it wasn’t so scary, it would be laughable.

Missing punctuation marks in quotation marks were not added because there might be another statement behind them. (KT)
