Atila Hildmann arrested: the famous chef participated in an anti-crown demonstration | Regional


Berlin Due to non-compliance with the rules for crown containment, police temporarily arrested around 30 people during a demonstration in front of the Berlin Reichstag building on Saturday. Among them also the famous chef Attila Hildmann (39).

The main problem was to determine personal details because, despite the police announcement, there were too many people in the square in front of the Reichstag or the minimum distance was not observed.

According to observations by a dpa photographer, people, including conspiracy theorists, protested at the announced rally against restrictions to protect against crown infections. Police were on site with 100 officers.

According to a spokeswoman, a total of 1,000 emergency services are on the move across the city. 400 officials searched the Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Volksbühne.

Teaser image

A man is arguing with a police officer at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Photo: Christian Mang / Reuters

There were two demonstrations there in the afternoon and, according to the police, there were no incidents. In accordance with the current ordinance of the Berlin Senate, meetings with up to 50 participants due to the Corona crisis are allowed if they take place in a fixed location.
