At 78, is Joe Biden too old to be president?


AAs more and more historic photos from Joe Biden’s long political career appeared on social media channels in the wake of Joe Biden’s election victory, some expressed amazement that this man has somehow always been there. Biden 1979 in disarmament talks in Moscow, Biden 1992 in action against the Balkan war: young people seemed to look at these images with respect, even wonder, or at least with the reassuring feeling that soon everything would be all right.

Jörg Thomann

Jörg Thomann

Editor of the “Life” section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

Joe Biden’s most recent appearances, on the other hand, seemed unsettling at times. On Election Day itself, he introduced a granddaughter to an irritated crowd as his late son Beau – another one of those defectors that his hateful opponent was all too happy to use to accuse Biden of senility or even starting insanity. Even if Donald Trump leaves the White House soon, Biden will continue to ask the question: Will he, who will be 78 when he is sworn in in January, live up to the grueling job? Could Biden be too old to be a good president?

Thick medical records

During the election campaign, seven health experts, led by Illinois physician S. Jay Olshansky, answered these questions: In September they published an analysis that shed light on the health status of the two candidates and presented their “expected life expectancy ”. Among other things, they refer to Joe Biden’s medical record, which his personal physician made available to the world public in December 2019. It is more extensive than that of opponent Donald Trump: a distant gallbladder, slightly increased blood lipid levels , benign enlargement of the prostate gland, atrial fibrillation, heartburn, allergies, and in 1988 an operation for an enlarged artery in the brain.

Recipe for a long life: Joe Biden on a bike ride with his wife Jill.

Recipe for a long life: Joe Biden on a bike ride with his wife Jill.

Image: AFP

However, the seven experts give Biden an excellent report. They claim in a style that seems macabre in its sobriety, a 95 percent chance of surviving the first term. Biden’s good body mass index, his agility, the proud age his parents reached, his diet, high level of education, excellent medical care, and the fact that he is married are cause for optimism. Projected life expectancy: 96.8 years. With this, Biden again triumphs over Trump, who only reaches 88.6 years; You receive deductions for being obese, eating fast food, and spending hours in front of the TV every day.

The capital of old age

Now Joe Biden not only wants to survive as president, he also wants to convince. Research on aging confirms that he has a good chance there too. With age, dynamism and short-term memory decrease, but the ideal is to have calm, experience and the ability to analyze complex issues.

Age Researcher Andreas Kruse

Age Researcher Andreas Kruse

Image: EPA

For Andreas Kruse, director of the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Heidelberg, Joe Biden has what he calls “the capital of old age”: “He has gone through extreme situations in his life and has repeatedly found a new orientation. From there he developed a mature attitude towards life and democracy and a highly differentiated and highly reflective world of experiences. “

In addition, Kruse sees the principle of generativity built into Biden: the need to “care for the common good and also for future generations. A concern that goes beyond one’s own existence ”. Thanks to that motivation, Biden may not experience a makeover with his new position, but he may experience “a whole new impulse” that “affects physical health and mobility.” . Occasional mistakes, like those made by Biden, “you shouldn’t blame yourself,” says Kruse. “You can compensate for something like this very well through your experience and concentration on your own strength.”

A new American president has never been older than Joe Biden. Internationally, however, he is in good company. Nelson Mandela was 76 when he became President, Konrad Adenauer remained Chancellor until 87, Joseph Ratzinger became Pope at 78 (and retired at 85). The world record holder among heads of government is Mahathir Mohamad, who was elected Malaysia’s prime minister again at age 92 and resigned this February at 94. At 73, his successor is relatively young.
