AstraZeneca vaccine: Söder wants to relax the vaccination sequence


Status: 02/28/2021 4:05 am

Bavarian Prime Minister Söder wants to loosen the vaccination sequence for the AstraZeneca vaccine. This should be disclosed to everyone who wants to get vaccinated. The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Kretschmann, sees it in a similar light.

The Prime Ministers of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, Markus Söder and Winfried Kretschmann, have spoken in favor of more pragmatism in the sequence of vaccinations. Faced with hundreds of thousands of unused doses, Söder wants to launch the AstraZeneca vaccine: “Before you go to bed, vaccinate whoever you want,” said the Bavarian head of government for “Bild am Sonntag”. No dose should be left over or thrown away. All those who are vaccinated protect themselves and others. “We have to speed up vaccination,” Söder warned. Every day counts.

“It cannot be that, on the one hand, there is very little vaccine available, but on the other hand, AstraZeneca is not vaccinated in large quantities.” To do this, the vaccination sequence must be relaxed for the British-Swedish manufacturer’s vaccine. According to the report, Bavaria does not want to do it alone, but to fight for regulation at the national level. According to Söder, general practitioners should also get vaccinated with the release.

“Loosen the strict regiment”

Kretschmann made a similar statement. “The vaccine could not be allowed out there and not vaccinated because part of those who have the right reject it,” said the green politician from “Welt am Sonntag. In this case “we have to loosen this strict regime and vaccinate people who are not yet on duty after prioritization.” As long as the vaccine is in short supply, prioritization is very important, Kretschmann emphasized.

A spokesman for the Health Ministry said Wednesday that of the 1.45 million doses of the vaccine delivered by AstraZeneca as of February 23, only about 240,000 had been vaccinated. This corresponds to about 15 percent.

It is possible to switch between priority groups

The spokesperson noted, however, that you can switch between priority groups without having to change the vaccination ordinance. As soon as everyone in the first group has received a vaccination offer, people in the second group can also be considered. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) called on the federal states to seize this opportunity.

The chairman of the Permanent Commission on Vaccination (Stiko), Thomas Mertens, announced on ZDF on Friday that he would soon recommend the AstraZeneca vaccine to older people. “It is possible and we will,” Mertens said. Stiko did not initially recommend the vaccine for people 65 and older due to lack of data. Now there will be “a new and updated recommendation very soon,” also because the vaccine from US manufacturer Johnson & Johnson will likely be approved.
