Astrazeneca vaccine: serious side effects of the corona vaccine? – There are worrying reports


  • Pamela Dörhöfer

    sincePamela Dörhöfer

    to turn off

Germany is also stopping corona vaccines with the Astrazeneca vaccine. Some serious side effects are suspected.

  • Of the Corona vaccine since Astrazeneca sometimes it is harshly criticized. Reports of serious problems on the rise Side effects of the vaccine.
  • Germany establishes the Vaccines with the Swedish-British vaccine for the time being.
  • On Thursday (March 18, 2021) the European Medicines Agency EMA Fast.

Frankfurt: the number of countries where Corona vaccines With Astrazeneca temporarily halted, it is growing: on Monday (March 15, 2021) Germany and France also announced that they would stop using the vector vaccine from the Swedish-British pharmaceutical manufacturer for the time being. Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Bulgaria and the Netherlands had already announced this last week; in Thailand it was the start of vaccination with Astrazeneca temporarily suspended. In other countries, including Austria and Italy, certain batches of Vaccine has been blocked.

The respective governments emphasize that it is about Astrazeneca vaccination freeze to take precautions. In Germany, the Paul Ehrlich Institute responsible for vaccines has recommended this step. The background for this is reports of serious incidents that occurred close to vaccination. These include Blood clot Y Bleeding. In Norway, three young men are said to have had blood clots and brain hemorrhage. As the Norwegian health authority Folkehelseinstituttet reports, everyone works in the health sector.

Astrazeneca Corona Vaccine: Vaccinated People Should Watch Out For Side Effects

“Something like this is very rare, but very serious,” Steinar Masen of the Norwegian Medicines Agency said in an interview with Norwegian Broadcasting. Furthermore, the Folkehelseinstituttet is said to have been notified of several cases in which young people were still Corona vaccines Bleeding or bruising According to Sigurd Hortemo of the health authority, this may be an indication of an insufficient number of thrombocytes (blood platelets). Such a defect can internal bleeding trigger. In Norway now there are all those under 50 who have been with the last two weeks Astrazeneca vaccinated, it is recommended to watch for possible side effects and seek medical attention in case of bleeding or bruising.

Germany has decided to ban the Astrazeneca corona vaccine. (File photo)

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In Denmark and Austria, two women seek Corona vaccine a Thrombosis passed away; According to the Danish Medicines Agency, a 60-year-old Danish woman should have “extremely unusual symptoms”. In addition to having a low number of platelets in your blood, you also have Blood clot they are found in small and large vessels and bleed. A 49-year-old nurse from Austria had died of multiple thromboses. If vaccination with Astrazeneca in fact, the cause is not yet known. In Italy, where three soldiers died in Sicily, a connection was ruled out in at least one case. A teacher is also in Marbella twelve days after the vaccination Astrazeneca passed away*. Authorities in Spain are now investigating whether there is a connection.

Astrazeneca rejects corona vaccine concerns

A speaker Astrazenecas I had concerns about Friday (March 12, 2021) Corona vaccine rejected: an analysis of the safety data of more than 10 million pieces of data would have “shown no evidence of an increased risk of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis.” The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced the same. The Pharmacovigilance Committee (Prac), the Risk Assessment Committee, takes the position that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. The vaccine could continue to be administered while cases of thromboembolic events are investigated.

A total of 30 cases out of just under five million people vaccinated in the EU before March 10 Thrombosis Has been reported. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently sees no reason to stop vaccinating with the Astrazeneca vaccine, but has also launched an investigation. “Yes we should Astrazeneca vaccine keep using it, ”said spokeswoman Margaret Harris.

Thrombosis occurs when blood cells clump together. The manufacturer’s Astrazeneca corona vaccine is suspected of causing this.

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List of side effects:

The best current description The British Health Authority yellow card report provides information on reported side effects. In the UK vaccination is done with both the Biontech / Pfizer mRNA vaccine and the Astrazeneca vector vaccine. By February 28, 10.7 million cans of first and 800,000 second of Biontech / Pfizer and 9.7 million cans of Astrazeneca had been inoculated.

Like yellow cards they are reports of adverse events after vaccination. However, they do not have to be caused by vaccination; they may also have occurred by chance in the near future. A total of 33,207 yellow cards for Biontech / Pfizer and 54,180 for Astrazeneca had been reported in Great Britain as of February 28. In relative terms, it should be added that the higher number in Astrazeneca can also be explained by the fact that side effects occur more frequently after the first dose and, in the case of mRNA vaccines, more frequently after the dose. second dose. For both vaccines, the British health authority gives a rate of side effects of three to six yellow cards per thousand doses.

Most reported With both vaccines, known vaccine reactions from studies, such as headache and pain in limbs, which were sometimes very severe in Astrazeneca, chills, fever, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue, became apparent. Palpitations and cardiac arrhythmias were also frequently reported.

Serious events too reported: facial paralysis (Biontech / Pfizer 193, Astrazeneca 88), facial swelling (Biontech 230), thrombosis (Biontech 10), thrombocytopenia (Astrazeneca 35, Biontech 13), blood count disorders (Astrazeneca 1098), cerebrovascular events (affecting to the vessels) of the brain) (Astrazeneca 41), cerebral hemorrhages (Astrazeneca 7), stroke (Astrazeneca 9), blindness (Biontech 15, Astrazeneca 28).

Coronavirus: is the Astrazeneca vaccine responsible for the side effects?

In Germany, the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Langen is more possible for observation Side effects of vaccines. According to his information, there were eleven reports of “different thromboembolic events” in Germany as of March 11, and four people are said to have died from them. There is currently no indication that the Corona vaccine caused these diseases. The cases that have occurred will continue to be investigated intensively.

According to a report by the Pharmazeutische Zeitung, the EMA pharmacovigilance committee is also examining the Thrombosis also cases of immune thrombocytopenia after Astrazeneca vaccine and facial swelling seen in women and men who have received gel injections for wrinkles.

Immune thrombocytopenia is a platelet deficiency that leads to bleeding, as seen in death in Denmark, for example. This autoimmune disease occurs when antibodies target blood platelets, damaging or destroying them. This rare event can also occur as a result of a viral infection. According to the “Pharmazeutischer Zeitung”, the EMA expert committee said that the reports indicated that it was a “safety sign”. This should be understood as information that “indicates a new undesirable effect”.

Platelet deficiency occurred not only with the Astrazeneca corona vaccine

Platelet deficiency was not only afterwards, however Corona vaccines with the vaccine Astrazeneca, but also after those with mRNA vaccines (Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna). However, these are only individual cases. Right at the start of America’s vaccination campaign, the death of a 56-year-old doctor in Miami who had died of such immune thrombocytopenia made headlines.

How likely is it that the – few – reported cases of Thrombosis, but also the decrease in platelets and bleeding in the Corona vaccines it is difficult to assess. The Austrian media portal quotes the infectious disease specialist Clemens Wendter from the Schwabing Clinic in Munich with the assertion that instead of causality, a “coincidence” must be assumed, “more chance than cause”.

Side effects of corona vaccines: a controversial researcher warned

However, one scientist, out of all people, warned of such side effects, previously considered renowned, but at the beginning of the pandemic was instrumentalized by the “lateral thinker” scene and thus marginalized among the majority. From the experts: Sucharit Bhakdi, a microbiologist and infection epidemiologist and longtime director of the Mainz Institute for Microbiology and Hygiene, as well as a professor at Johannes Gutenberg University before his retirement, also discussed their concerns in a letter to the EMA.

In it, he wrote that once vaccines are injected into muscle, they can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. In this way, the spike protein of the virus produced by the body could also enter small vessels and capillaries. There, in turn, the internal walls of the vessels could be damaged with the consequent activation of blood coagulation through platelet activation. A drop in platelet count and strokes could also occur.

What we know for sure so far is that Coronainfektion even the risk of thrombosis and strokes increases with severe Covid-19 cycles. (Pamela Dörhöfer) * is offered by IPPEN.MEDIA.

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