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Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim explains on her YouTube channel “maiLab” about the Astrazeneca corona vaccine. Your appeal is also directed at Jens Spahn.
- After a review by the EMA Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU) resumption of vaccinations against Astrazeneca against Coronavirus Announced.
- However, how safe is the vaccine against Astrazeneca Really?
- The chemist Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim who is behind the YouTube channel. “MaiLab” knows tips.
Frankfurt – “Ohhh … Astrazeneca”. Despair of Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim it can be felt, almost palpable with the hands. The uproar around the Swedish-British Crownvaccine It can hardly start. There is an exclamation that the video of “MaiLab”, moderated by Nguyen-Kim. The title of the clip: “How safe is Astrazeneca really?” Yes, how safe is the vaccine now?
The question is more than justified, it was the inoculation due to possible Side effects Meanwhile, it was stopped before Jens Spahn launched the Astrazeneca vaccine again after an evaluation by the EMA. All of Germany suddenly knows the disease Ventrombotic sinus, rarely how dangerous. And it is said that this disease is related to that Corona vaccine be with Astrazeneca? Has been tested? MaiLab explains.
Astrazeneca: “MaiLab” explains the vaccine – “Always approved with residual risk”
Nguyen-Kim’s introduction is as simple as it is important: “What about Astrazeneca I pass, it can also occur with any other vaccine.“To understand what happened to the Astrazeneca vaccine in the last days and weeks, you first need a basic understanding of the vaccine approval process.
In Europe you have to Coronavirus against an emergency approval and decided to run the normal security process. We are currently in phase four, after the vaccine has been approved. “MaiLab” and emphasizes: “Vaccines are always approved with a certain residual risk.”
Media: diving Side effects in a case of 100,000 or even a million, this is not statistically noted in the clinical study with “only” 10,000 subjects. You have to accept this residual risk, says Nguyen-Kim, because “it remains disproportionate to Covid-19 risks“.
Are there more side effects with the Astrazeneca vaccine than with others?
of course they are Side effects of a vaccine not irrelevant yet. After the clinical studies in phase one, two and three, there is still phase four for precisely this purpose. Now we are in this phase, explains “maiLab”. “Anything that happens after a vaccination and goes beyond a normal vaccination reaction should be reported to the Paul Ehrlich Institute.” And: This reporting obligation is even required by law.
However, you also have to – with all this Astrazeneca-Chaos – make people aware that one way or another “things happen” after vaccines. Therefore, the question is not whether complaints, illnesses or deaths occur after vaccination. “Because they will,” promises “maiLab.” Instead, the question is whether it occurs more frequently than usual.
Corona: Astrazeneca vaccine is said to be responsible for sinus vein thrombosis
But what about the notorious? Sinusvenenthrombosen? There are currently seven cases per 1.6 million in Germany Astrazeneca Vaccinated It is notable that all cases occurred within 4 to 16 days after the corona vaccination. However, the normal is more a case in this period. Therefore, emphasizes “maiLab”, a review is absolutely correct.
Whether or to what extent a sinus vein thrombosis is related to vaccination with Astrazeneca, is currently being reviewed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
According to the EMA, it is already clear now that even if sinus vein thrombosis is assumed to be a real side effect of the Astrazeneca vaccine, the risk is disproportionate to the risk of Covid-19. Are current 18 cases of sinus vein thrombosis among 20 million vaccinated people known, “maiLab” lists “while thousands die every day from and with Covid-19”.
Astrazeneca: Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim criticizes Jens Spahn – “Finding is impossible”
I had to Astrazeneca vaccine be really exposed? Even within the “maiLab” team, opinions differ on this, reveals Nguyen-Kim. However, everyone agrees that it is correct is he Resumption of corona vaccines after EMA review.
Rather, miscommunication by the government meets misunderstanding on the part of Nguyen-Kim. “I find it impossibledropping something like the suspension of Astrazeneca without giving more detailed explanations directly, “he criticized and:” It cannot be that the newspaper articles or the Twitter threads provide more detailed explanations than the official bodies. “The FAQs came too late.
This lack of transparency would clearly trigger conspiracy theories, skepticism and uncertainty. And this is Nguyen-Kim’s final message to the government, the Federal Ministry of Health around Jens Spahn and the Paul Ehrlich Institute: “Education is one of the most important measures for this pandemic” (Nc).