Assad fell out of favor with Russia during the war in Syria


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Russia has long supported Syrian ruler Assad. Now he is considered “weak” and “unable” there.

At first there were individual voices like Russian career diplomat Alexandr Aksenenok. Recently, however, the popular RIA FAN media platform for oligarchs and Putin-The friend Yevgeny Prigoshin listened in various articles openly at a distance from the Syrian. Dictator Bashar al-Assad – even if most of it was removed later.

Syrian war threatens Assad: criticism of Russia

Assad being “weak” and “incapable” of rampant corruption in Syria stopping and putting the country back on its feet was the criticism. This was complemented by a survey conducted by the Russian “Foundation for the Protection of Traditional Values” among 1,000 Syrians in the regime’s areas, according to which only 31.4 percent would see Assad positively and vote in the 2021 presidential elections. 71.3 percent cited corruption as the biggest problem, 78.6 percent consider that reforms are urgently necessary.

In Assad’s Syria, Putin’s friendship with Russia threatens to go up in smoke.

© Anas Alkharboutli / dpa

Even if there is doubt as to whether this telephone survey actually took place in early April, its brilliant presentation in one PutinMedia related could be an indication that the Kremlin is increasingly frustrated with the Damascus regime. The operation in Syria consumes large sums. And how to proceed with the corrupt Assad clan in power is becoming increasingly unpredictable for Moscow.

Syria devastated by war: Russian President Putin could soon have enough of Assad

The country is totally devastated, 80 percent of the population lives in poverty, crown disease could now do the rest to the battered nation. And so, parts of the Russian leadership apparently fear that the virus only in the Chaos in the Syrian civil war stay seated while the rest of the world is busy resurrecting their demolished economies for years.

In addition, crude oil prices are currently falling, with revenues representing 40 to 50 percent of the Russian state budget. Moscow’s finance minister already expects a $ 39 billion hole this year. That also inspires speculation, Putin could soon have enough of their expensive Friend of the Syrian war and we are looking for an alternative that Assad it could replace until next year’s presidential election.

Assad and Syria’s criticism from Russia

Former Ambassador Aksenenok, who is already under Assads Father Hafez al-Assad in the Russian representation in Syria worked, brings a lot of criticism to the field. His article appeared not only in the relatively critical Kremlin newspaper “Kommersant”, but also as an English publication of the “Russian International Affairs Council” (RIAC), on whose board Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov belongs. .

“From what we see, Damascus is not particularly interested in showing flexible and forward-looking attitudes,” summarized the former diplomat. Instead, the Syrian leadership opted for a military solution and opposed “inevitable reforms”.

Syria’s future under Assad is bleak: Russia has enough

The Russian author paints accordingly Syria Future According to the World Bank, 45 percent of all homes have been destroyed, as have half of all hospitals and 40 percent of schools. At least $ 250 billion was said to be available after the end of the War required

None Syria Still, the small circle of foreign donors “could bear such a burden. The regime was unwilling or unable to “put corruption and crime in its place.” Aksenenok believes that all conditions are lacking for large-scale economic reconstruction projects.

Earlier this year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also intervened in the Syrian war and called Putin. After all, the war in Syria has been going on for nine years: the end is not in sight.

Tesla founder Elon Musk talks about “fascism” in the crown crisis, and is approaching the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Image of rubric list: © Syrian Presidency / dpa
