Arrests: giant raid against the Remmo clan in Berlin and Brandenburg! – News


GSG 9 officials and various special operations commandos (SEK) raided more than 25 objects in Berlin and Brandenburg in the morning.

The large-scale operation, which also involved investigators from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), was primarily directed against members of the large Arab Remmo family. The Suspicion: Gang-like Drug Trafficking, In The Extra Pound Range!

Großeinsatz in der Berliner SonnenalleePhoto: Spreepicture

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Large-scale operation at Berliner SonnenalleePhoto: Spreepicture

Auch Spezialeinheiten waren vor OrtPhoto: M.Firyn

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Special units were also on sitePhoto: M.Firyn

According to information from the BILD, during the raid, arrest warrants were carried out against clan member Nasser Remmo and his accomplice Frank G.

It is said that the gang regularly brought drugs to warehouses in Brandenburg, transferred them into barrels and transported them to Berlin. Drugs were sold in the capital through various intermediaries and small merchants.

In einem Gebäude kam ein Bolzenschneider zum EinsatzPhoto: Christophe Gateau / dpa

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A bolt cutter was used in a buildingPhoto: Christophe Gateau / dpa

Polizeihunde unterstützen die EinheitenPhoto: Christophe Gateau / dpa

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Police dogs support the units.Photo: Christophe Gateau / dpa

One of the arrest warrants was also issued for violating the War Weapons Control Act. According to information from the BILD, the accused is also Nasser Remmo.

Last year, French and Dutch investigators infiltrated a communication network used almost exclusively by criminals and secured countless chat messages.

Beamte im Treppenhaus eines Berliner AltbausPhoto: Spreepicture

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Officials on the staircase of an old Berlin buildingPhoto: Spreepicture

Auch eine Lagerhalle in Neuhardenberg (Brandenburg) wurde durchsuchtPhoto: Sven Meissner

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A warehouse was also registered in Neuhardenberg (Brandenburg)Photo: Sven Meissner

The tax investigation was also involved in the measures Thursday morning.

According to information from BILD, investigators came across the Berlin gang in connection with the EncroChat investigation.
