Armin Laschet asks not to buy Christmas gifts online


Germany NRW Prime Minister

Laschet asks people not to buy Christmas gifts online

| Reading time: 3 minutes

“Vaccines are a light at the end of a very, very long tunnel”

Germany is entering the second blockade of the hard crown. In a special session, NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet briefed parliament on the details of the stricter measures.

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In the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament, Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) advises against ordering Christmas gifts online. He also announces in which area his government will end the hard blockade first.

northNorth Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet has asked people to avoid ordering gifts from online retailers whenever possible. Instead, you must issue a coupon that can be redeemed next year. In any case, it will do so, the CDU politician told a briefing for the state parliament in Düsseldorf on Tuesday.

Laschet spoke of medium-sized companies that are missing out on the vital Christmas business. Instead, gifts are now ordered online, to corporations “that don’t pay a penny in taxes in Europe.” A clear blow to Amazon.

His speech was interrupted by boos from the AfD. Laschet said in the direction of the AfD opposition: “I know you deny the whole virus. I know that they are demonstrating with strange people outside. It is not possible for them to demonstrate in the center of Düsseldorf while a few meters away, in the university clinic! , people fight for their lives! That doesn’t work, that’s not bearable! ”

He also asked the population to stay away even at Christmas. “Christmas will have to be different from all the other Christmas festivals that we may have experienced in our generation.” The coronavirus does not take into account the holidays.

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What is malicious about the virus is not just the “destructive effect in the event of a disease within our body,” but “the use of our human qualities,” Laschet said. “That draws the attention of all things when we are close and we embrace.” At Christmas in particular, people would have to do without that.

In this context, he spoke out against the isolation of the elderly and the sick in the impending blockade. “We must not repeat the mistake made in March of letting people die alone for weeks because no one visits.” Humanity must not be lost in the pandemic. No one will be left in the lurch, Laschet said. The federal and state governments have agreed rules for homes to allow visitation.

Laschet: “Schools will be the first to fully reopen”

Laschet stated that North Rhine-Westphalia wanted to return to classroom teaching for all students as soon as possible. “If the infection figures allow it, schools will be the first to fully reopen.”

Laschet (CDU) defended his Corona course, which is often criticized for being too hesitant. “There is no silver bullet. NRW and Germany weathered this crisis in moderation, according to the circumstances.” In a national comparison, NRW is in the middle field, Germany is still doing relatively well in a European comparison.

“Many of the successes can be traced back to the strength of federalism, that is, to the decision to take the local situation into account, coordinate closely and act comprehensively as a federal and state government,” Laschet emphasized. The number of deaths from corona is much higher in Austria, Sweden, Spain or Belgium than in Germany.

At the end of his speech, he spoke out against being too hasty in approving corona vaccines in Germany. Even if the United States and Britain had the vaccines “a few days faster,” he was against “artificial accelerations” in approval and against pressure on doctors.

For Thursday he invited the Minister of Health, Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), representatives of the municipal umbrella associations, the medical association and the associations of compulsory health insurance doctors to a vaccination summit. Then the status of preparations will be discussed. He hoped that the vaccinations at NRW could begin in the first days of January. The pandemic will not end at the turn of the year. But Laschet said of vaccines: “It will get better in 2021.”
