Are there still so many deaths ?: The chief medical officer of the legal health insurance doubts the success of the closure


Are so many deaths still?
The director of legal medical insurance doubts the success of the blockade

It will only take a few weeks to see the effects of the total blockage. The director of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians doubts that the restrictions are enough to significantly slow the infection rate at the beginning of the year.

The director of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, hopes that the closure that has been in place since Wednesday will fail. “I am not assuming that we will achieve a relevant reduction in infection rates and certainly not in deaths by January 10,” Gassen told the editorial network in Germany. An extension of the lock will not change that. “The lockdown, no matter how difficult it may be, is not an adequate long-term strategy to combat pandemics.”

Instead, more must be done to protect at-risk groups in nursing homes and nursing homes. In addition, flows of people would have to be straightened out, for example by using more buses and trains, as well as subsidized taxi rides for risk groups, Gassen demanded.

He also called for the crown’s protective measures to be lifted if all people ready to get vaccinated have received a vaccine. “If everyone who wants to get vaccinated, we can lift the restrictions,” says Gassen. If you don’t want to be vaccinated, you must live with the risk of developing Covid-19 or even dying from it. “It cannot be that the rest of society has to permanently consider vaccinators.” Expect the population to be vaccinated for the summer.

On Monday the European Medicines Agency Ema wants to rule on the approval of the Biontech Pfizer vaccine. A positive decision is expected. The first people in Germany will probably be vaccinated immediately after Christmas. In particular, vaccinations should be started in nursing homes, he said from the Berlin health administration.

However, it will take much longer before a large part of the population can be vaccinated. In a first step after approval, according to Health Minister Jens Spahn, around 400,000 doses of vaccine could be delivered in Germany. The Minister of Health expects 11 to 13 million doses of vaccines by the end of the first quarter.
