ARD-DeutschlandTrend: Large majority for Corona measurements


Germany Trend

Status: 02/18/2021 11:55 pm

More than half of Germans still consider the crown’s restrictions appropriate. But stronger ARD Germany trend the number of criticisms is growing: 27 percent of those surveyed consider the measures to be too extensive.

Most Germans support the current Crown measures, but the number of critics is growing. at Germany Trend For him ARD morning magazine More than half of the respondents (54 percent) consider that the existing measures are appropriate. 27 percent criticized the current restrictions on daily life, 16 percent did not go far enough.

As of early February, the number of critics of the crown’s measures was still 22 percent. However, the proportion of supporters also increased: previously it was 51 percent. But the demand for even stricter measures found less support. It fell eight percentage points.

Majority for the gradual opening of the school

According to the survey, the majority of respondents continue to support restrictions on school operations. 58 percent of respondents were in favor of gradual opening of schools at this time. 16 percent prefer to keep schools completely closed. On the other hand, 22 percent are in favor of a full resumption of regular school operations.

The SPD and AfD are growing slightly

In Sunday’s question, the SPD was able to win slightly: if there were parliamentary elections next Sunday, the Social Democrats could expect a 16 percent share of the vote, which is one percentage point more than before.

The CDU / CSU, on the other hand, would deteriorate by one point to 33 percent. The Greens would have to give up a point as well, but they were still clearly the second strongest force at 20 percent. Eleven percent of those polled would vote for the AfD (plus one). The FDP still has eight percent, the Left Party also remains unchanged at six percent.

Mathematically, a government alliance of CDU / CSU and the Greens would be possible. The Union and the SPD held just below the 50 percent mark with 49 percent combined.

Research facility

Population: Eligible voters in Germany
Shows: Representative random selection / dual frame (fixed and mobile network sample)
Collection procedure: Telephone interviews (CATI)
Number of cases: 1,025 eligible voters
Survey period: February 15-17, 2021
Weighing: according to sociodemographic characteristics
Sunday question with separate weighting
Fault tolerance: 1.4 * to 3.1 ** percentage points
Execution Institute: infratest dimap

* with a 5 percent share value ** with a 50 percent share value
