ARD-DeutschlandTrend: All third parties for stricter measures


Status: 03/18/2021 11:57 pm

In view of rising crown numbers, stay strong ARD Germany trend more and more people consider that the measures are insufficient. The Union loses on Sunday’s issue and sinks to its worst value in a year.

Against the background of the first decline and the increase in the number of infections, the assessment of corona measures has moved. According to ARD-DeutschlandTrend, every third of respondents (32 percent) do not go far enough with the restrictions, that is, twelve percent more than at the beginning of March, when only 20 percent of respondents had this opinion. .

In return, the proportion of respondents who consider that the applicable restrictions are appropriate fell from 47 to 38 percent. One in four (25 percent) feel that current measures to contain the pandemic are too extensive, at the beginning of March it was 30 percent.

Chancellor candidate: majority support Söder

On the question of the candidate for Chancellor of the Union, the leader of the CSU, Markus Söder, is far ahead in favor of the voters. 51 percent of German citizens (-4 compared to early January) and 78 percent of Union supporters said they thought he was a good candidate. For the president of the CDU, Armin Laschet, 22 percent of those eligible to vote (-5) and 30 percent of the supporters of the Union are currently speaking.

Union falls to its lowest level since March 2020

If the general election were on Sunday, the union of the CDU and the CSU would receive 29 percent of the vote. The Greens would be the second strongest force at 20 percent. 17 percent would opt for the SPD and 11 percent for the AfD. The left would get seven percent of the vote, the FDP nine percent. Overall, the Union government coalition and the SPD would get 46 percent of the vote.

Compared to the trend for Germany on March 4, 2021, the Union loses four percentage points and thus reaches the lowest value since March 2020. The FDP gains two percentage points, the SPD one percentage point. The vote ratio for the Greens and the AfD remains unchanged.

Research Center

Population: Eligible voters in Germany
Lifting method: Random online and phone survey
Collection period: March 15-17, 2021
Number of cases: 1,207 respondents (787 telephone interviews and 420 online interviews)
Survey period: February 15-17, 2021
Weighing: according to the sociodemographic characteristics and the recall behavior of choice
Sunday question with separate weighting
Fault tolerance: 2 * to 3 ** percentage points
Execution Institute: infratest dimap

* with a 10 percent share value ** with a 50 percent share value
