“Arbitrary”: Ivanka Trump is filming and cursing the crown lock


  • Matthis Pechtold

    ofMatthis Pechtold

    to turn off

Corona continues to rage in the United States. Ivanka Trump, otherwise politically cautious, apparently considers herself an expert. Also to the health authority.

  • the Corona-Pandemie holds the U.S firmly under control. The first to worry since the beginning of the week. Vaccinations for a little relief.
  • President’s daughter Ivanka Trump denotes the in the U.S partially valid “unscientific” blocks.
  • All the news too Donald trump, the overhang President the U.S, at Trump News.

Update Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 2 pm: Ivanka Trump it has apparently been at war with the US health authorities for some time. Two former senior US health officials. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention I recently got an idea of ​​the work of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since the beginning of Corona-Pandemie dice. Trump’s daughter is also coming Ivanka it has not gone well.

Ivanka Trump ventured her disgust with the “unscientific” blocks on Twitter. (File photo)

© Gustavo Garello / dpa

Ivanka Trump: Convinced of her opinion on the fight against Corona

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention epidemiological statistics and health guidelines for public institutions such as schools and hospitals, now partly despite the lack of consent from White House. According to a “New York Times” report, government employees have worked repeatedly in the past Centers for Disease Control and Prevention they intervened and thus undermined their role as scientific experts.

Ivanka Trump I also have inquiries from them Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and it’s not even part of the government. Without more details from the “New York Times”, one can only speculate on its content. But it is known that Ivanka and her husband Jared kushner they are hardly convinced of certain crown regulations. In mid-November, her children even had to change schools due to repeated rule violations.

Ivanka Trump complains about blockade in the US: “arbitrary rules”

First report on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 2:08 pm: Ventura, California – Rub Dedication Donald trump in addition to the false vision in his poorly documented opinion 2020 U.S. elections. So far it has not been successful. There are still many fans and members of the Republicans behind the president-elect.

On Monday night (December 14, 2020) the electoral committee now also has the victory of Joe biden confirmed, on the basis of the electoral results, the Donald Triumph and continue to challenge your legal team in state court. Featured politicians such as the Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, turn from Triumph since. The blood of the family Triumph but apparently it is thicker than the water that turns the wheels of American institutions: Ivanka Trump he also tells his father about his attitudes Crown and one Emergency shutdown The loyalty.

Ivanka Trump Complains About The US Blockade And Calls It “Scientifically Incorrect”

In Twitter he is 39 years old Ivanka Trump recently a Video shared from a restaurant in Ventura, California. It evidently shows the dispute between the owner of a restaurant and two employees of the health authority. According to the text of the original tweet, the employees were about to open the restaurant despite the Closures to sanction. In the course of the conversation, the owner defends himself against what he considers arbitrary rules and the corresponding unfounded punishment of his restaurant. “Will they pay my rent costs?” He yells at the two employees.

Ivanka Trump agrees with him – and shares the video with a text that may contain the opinion of some of the entrepreneurs: within the U.S it reflects, but hardly reflects that of most medical professionals. flat rate Closures they are scientifically unfounded, he continues, and continues: “These arbitrary rules, imposed by insensitive politicians, destroy lives.” It’s wrong for small business owners to fight so hard to keep their American dream alive.

Ivanka Trump deals, but not against her father Donald

His brother too Donald trump Junior, shared the video with a meaningful message. As reported by “Newsweek”, the doctors make it clear that it is in the U.S so far not comprehensive, difficult Closures had hit, making the finding of Trump’s two sons unfounded. Both of them, Ivanka and Don” Triumph they are said to be political ambitions.

Ivanka Trump, daughter of US President Donald Trump, has spoken out against the shutdown. Among other things, the measure described itself as “insensitive.” (File photo)

© Jacquelyn Martin / AP / dpa

Many online users also contradicted the statement, referring to the outgoing president’s crisis policy. Donald trump. A clear majority, even among medical professionals, virologists, and epidemiologists, have testified neither seriously nor efficacy. To date, more than 16.7 Americans have used the Coronavirus infected, more than 300,000 people have died from or with the virus. (Matthis Pechtold)

Headline image: © Gustavo Garello / dpa
