Approval for the EU: Decision on vaccines on December 21


The Biontech and Pfizer vaccine could be approved in Europe before Christmas. The European Medicines Agency has announced its opinion of December 21. The approval of the EU Commission is considered secure.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is planning a meeting before Christmas on a possible approval of the Covid-19 vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer. An extraordinary meeting of the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) is scheduled for December 21, the authority announced. The meeting originally scheduled for December 29 will be held if necessary.

Von der Leyen optimistic

The CHMP recommendations have yet to be approved by the EU Commission, which generally follows them. The head of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, wrote on Twitter that she appreciated the fact that the meeting had been moved forward. The first Europeans are likely to be vaccinated before the end of the year.

Shortly before, the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, had promised its approval before Christmas in a press conference. He had taken office on December 23.

He emphasized that the sooner approval is granted, the sooner vaccination can be carried out. The goal is to start doing it before the end of the year. As of today, several vaccination centers have been established in Germany and they are ready to start vaccinations immediately.

Spahn upholds ordinary procedures

Spahn defended it not to provide an emergency approval for vaccines, but a regular EMA procedure. This is important for confidence in vaccines.

RKI President Lothar Wieler made a similar statement at the joint press conference: 70 percent of people who find out about a vaccine also want to know about side effects. “

The president of the German Ethics Council Alena Buyx said: “We are all very impatient, including myself. I really count the days. But it is better if we can do it well, properly and carefully now.”

Bundeswehr ready with a central vaccination warehouse

The Bundeswehr is said to be ready for a comprehensive deployment to support the vaccination campaign in Germany. Meanwhile, the central distribution warehouse is operational and ready to receive the vaccine, Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, inspector of the Armed Forces Base and therefore national territorial commander, said in a conference call with journalists.

To further support the vaccination campaign, the Bundeswehr has 26 stationary vaccination centers with its own doctors and paramedics, corresponding to a daily capacity of 18,000 vaccines, Schelleis said. There are also 13 mobile vaccination teams that could be used.

According to previous reports, the central vaccine warehouse is located in Quakenbrück, Lower Saxony, at the local supply and repair center for medical supplies. It is a Bundeswehr pharmacy attached to the Navy with greater logistical capabilities.

RKI boss Wieler complains of carelessness

Wieler expressed concern about the infection and again called for limiting contacts: “The situation is more serious than ever in this pandemic.” The number of infections and deaths is too high. “Too many people are infected right now,” Wieler said. With between 12,000 and 29,000 new infections reported per day, the number of cases in December would be significantly higher than in November. It is the “result of the carelessness of some people,” said the head of RKI.

325,000 people currently infected

Currently 325,000 people in Germany are infected with Sars-CoV-2, in the summer months there were a few thousand. The 80-year-old age group is increasingly affected, with a particularly high risk of serious and deadly diseases. Wieler emphasized: “We have to be prepared for the fact that the situation will get worse again at Christmas.”

With information from Kai Küstner, ARD capital studio

Inforadio reported on this issue on December 15, 2020 at 12:00 pm, 12:21 pm and 2:05 pm
