Angela Merkel speaks after crown chaos


The last few days have been political dynamite for Chancellor Merkel. Now answer the questions of the members of the Bundestag. Follow his speech and question and answer session live now.

The situation in Germany is reaching a critical point: the number of corona cases is increasing, vaccines are not advancing fast enough, the federal government withdrew the rest days provided for Easter on Wednesday. Chancellor Angela Merkel now responds to questions from MEPs: shortly after his historic apology. The survey should last 90 minutes.

You can follow Chancellor Merkel’s government statement on the live stream above or via the t-online live ticker:

9.28 am.: End of April. By early May, there should be a clear control of the degree to which employers evaluate their employees. On April 13, a decision is due in cabinet on the consequences of non-compliance by employers.

9.25am.: Merkel: You can see that some federal states are using the local opening options and that is also correct. “It would be wrong to apply a standard to everyone.” The federal government is always supporting, all citizens can get tested once a week.

A text working group for schools and kindergartens has been created. Sufficient self-tests have been ordered for the months of March and April. However, the federal government cannot create the testing structure for 40,000 schools; there is a federal system for this.

9.23 am.: Merkel: The Chancellor compares today’s figures with those of the previous year. “After a strong lockdown at the beginning of the pandemic, a light summer, an increase in the fall and then the closure of many facilities,” Merkel summarizes the first year of Corona. We are now in the third wave and in exponential growth. Merkel understands the population and the questions about openings and a return to normalcy. “No, the situation is different from last year.” You couldn’t foresee the setback after Christmas, you couldn’t foresee the mutations. If it had not existed, Germany would have an incidence below 50. “We are in a new pandemic.”

9.20 am .: Merkel is now dealing with the pandemic. Consultations on the digital green certificate are being considered. With 27 Member States, this is difficult. “We will be more independent across Europe”, that is also a problem. The problem with vaccine production is how much vaccine can be produced in Europe. “We have to assume that this virus will keep us busy for a long time. It will continue beyond this year.”

The parliamentarians applaud.

9.17am.: Merkel: The EU’s relations with Turkey and the situation in the Mediterranean will be discussed at the summit. Good relationships are extremely important. “It is good news that Turkey has signaled a de-escalation in the eastern Mediterranean.” It was discussed in the European Council that talks with Turkey were planned. Silence does not help, so high-level talks would resume. Above all, the issue of migration plays a role here, and here there have been successes, for example, in the fight against illegal smuggling.

9.15am .: Merkel once again praises the work of the vaccine developers. Germany made an important contribution to this. “It was right to trust the joint procurement of vaccines from the EU.” There is still much to do and it is one of the truths that this pandemic has shown that it is necessary to analyze where weaknesses still exist. “Europe must not remain in crisis or freeze.” Now digital sovereignty must be implemented. This means that Europe must develop its capabilities in the global world. Especially in the area of ​​vaccines.

9.13 am.: Merkel: The EU development fund is a temporary instrument with which the pandemic can be fought. So ask for their support.

9:12 am: Merkel: “Despite all the problems, I think the pandemic has once again shown that it is good that we have the European Union.”

Applause from the deputies. So far there have been no boos, as in previous government statements.

9.10 am: Chancellor Merkel: As in the European Council last year, it shows “that the pandemic is far from over.” She encouraged everyone to take a look at what was happening in neighboring countries. “We have similar developments across Europe.” Many people would have lost their lives. The economic damage is immense.

9:08 am .: Chancellor Merkel begins her declaration of government.

9:03 am: Schäuble: “Our Basic Law places the Bundestag at the center of the political order.” Parliament is also there to give citizens confidence. “If you don’t do that, it hurts everyone. Everyone should understand that.”

The parliamentarians applaud.

9:01 am .: Wolfgang Schäuble opens the meeting. Remember that vaccines were debated in the Bundestag decades ago, because of a smallpox pandemic.

8.55 am .: Chancellor Merkel’s declaration of government will begin soon. After a real week of chaos, he will justify the latest crown resolutions in the Bundestag. The EU summit that starts today will also be a topic.
