Angela Merkel refuses her own early corona vaccination


Band Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is against giving preference to people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus over those who have not been vaccinated. “As long as the number of those vaccinated is much lower than that of those awaiting vaccination, the state should not treat the two groups differently,” said the Federal Chancellor of the FAZ. With regard to private contractual relationships, “we can act on the state side to interfere a bit.” In addition, it must first be clarified “clearly” that vaccinated people are no longer contagious.

Merkel made it clear, however, that the way people treated vaccinated and unvaccinated people could change. “When we have made a vaccination offer to a sufficient number of people and some of them do not want to be vaccinated at all, we will have to consider whether there should be openings and entrances in certain areas only for vaccinated people. But we haven’t arrived yet. “

More vaccine, more flexibility

The Chancellor herself only wants to be vaccinated when it is her turn according to the prioritization recommended by the Permanent Commission on Vaccination. “I think it is correct, in addition to the particularly vulnerable and the elderly, to invite first population groups who cannot keep their distance in their work.” Merkel made it clear that, unlike other professional groups, she can keep her distance. . “An educator in the nursery, an elementary school teacher cannot do that. These are the people who should have your turn in front of someone like me. ”

Merkel pointed out the dangers an infection poses for younger people as well. “I don’t want to get Corona and I do a lot to prevent it.” But first the elderly and those with special pre-existing diseases and people who come into close contact with infected people should be vaccinated. “That is a sensible order that I want to adhere to.” Merkel said the more vaccines there are, the more flexibly prioritization will have to be dealt with.

The chancellor was confident in the willingness of the Germans to get vaccinated. “It’s not bad at all, and it’s growing. In any case, there is no reason to be pessimistic ”. He reiterated that he was against mandatory vaccination. “I do not advise against it. We promised that there will be no vaccination light. In view of the high level of willingness to vaccinate, I don’t think it is necessary ”. You can and should use arguments to advertise. Manufacturers also worked on the production of vaccines for children and adolescents. The vaccines are also being tested for pregnant women. “We have enough people willing to get vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.”
