Angela Merkel praised for speech in the Bundestag: “Example of responsibility”


The Chancellor’s speech during the general debate was unusually emotional. The Chancellor spoke of possibly “last Christmas with the grandparents.” Reactions to Merkel’s appearance.

On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke in the context of the general debate in the Bundestag. The occasion was traditionally budget, just as traditionally it was about so much more. This year, one topic overshadowed the speeches: the crown pandemic and how to deal with it. Merkel was unusually excited: “If we now have too many contacts before Christmas and then it was the last Christmas with the grandparents, then we will have missed something. We shouldn’t do that!”

You really don’t know the chancellor that way; She is generally best known for her calm and controlled manner. This did not go unnoticed both nationally and internationally. This is what the press writes about the appearance of the German Chancellor:

“Merkel gave too conservative a speech”

At “Frankfurter Rundschau” says: “Anyone who feels in good hands with her has reason for this. However, only in terms of tone, style and rhetoric. Those still interested in the political content that the Chancellor conveys in her relatively pleasant form can be too complete. ” From this perspective, Merkel made a conservative speech, too conservative: Germany should “go back to what it was before,” she said, and “continue to play its role.” Only one point was raised. Spotlight what could change: The hint of future budget cuts was unmistakable. Despite all the investments: The way out to a new sustainable normal, which the country needs in times of climate crisis and social unrest, was felt as little in this speech as in the budget itself. “

“More emotional than ever”

t-online qualifies Merkel’s appearance as follows: “Chancellor Angela Merkel was more moved than ever in her speech. It was extraordinary, even seasoned parliamentary reporters noticed that Merkel’s voice cracked. We had never seen the Chancellor like this.

He appealed to Germany and also to the country’s leaders, because things are looking bad when it comes to crown numbers: “I’m sorry, I’m very sorry in my heart, but if we pay the price now that we have death out of 590 people. So that’s not acceptable, “he shouted in a shaky voice. (…)

Suddenly, the unusually emotional chancellor returned to normal: the cool, rational scientist reappeared. Instead of the pleading and almost vulnerable woman, the Teflon Chancellor replied: “I believe in the power of enlightenment. I decided to study physics at the GDR. Because I was pretty sure that many things can be nullified, but gravity no, no it is science, and neither are other facts. ” Rumms, that sat down. OR? “Read more about Merkel’s speech here in “dawn”.

“Proof of your despair”

the “Spiegel” comments: “It seems that Angela Merkel is becoming more emotional with each of her appearances. That can be taken as evidence of how serious she is in convincing the Germans to further reduce their contacts to at least reduce the spread of the coronavirus.” . It may serve as evidence of his desperation that his known sobriety has as little effect as the Lockdown Light measures, which has been in place since November – the pandemic actually becomes the mother of the nation that wants to protect its people from harm. Certainly everything is well intentioned. And yet it may be that Merkel and others who do the same can cause great harm with this type of communication. (…)

You can argue like the chancellor: motherly, dramatic, like a child, hoping that emotional appeal will lead people to restraint, to stay at home. But then you shouldn’t be surprised if it triggers completely undesirable emotions: rejection, reluctance, and defiance. “

“The crisis chancellor is about to disappear”

the “Berlin newspaper” writes: “The furious appearance cannot hide it: the crisis chancellor is about to disappear. There is still no successor for her, neither as a candidate for office nor in the party that formed her for so long. The CDU has existed since Almost a year an interim party leader, who had little authority even before announcing her resignation. At the end of this long pandemic year, it is clear that Merkel can no longer fill this void. That is less for her than for the fact that that we are in the Everyone just wants to leave behind this year of the Crown 2020. Hope is in 2021, the year in which Angela Merkel will retire from politics. The politicians with whom you are dealing have that already realized . It won’t be long before voters do the same. It will be interesting to see how this will affect the CDU polls. Presumably Angela Merkel can do much more to do without them than the other way around. “

Apparently, Israel’s prime minister was also deeply impressed by Merkel’s appearance. Benjamin Netanyahu. It is said that he played excerpts from the speech to his ministers:

“An example of responsibility”

The Spanish newspaper “The world” observes: “The pandemic shows with dramatic clarity the difference between politics born of responsibility and populisms of all kinds determined to trample on institutions and science. Boris Johnson, after initial denial of the pandemic now switched to chauvinist propaganda (…)

Angela Merkel stands out from Johnson’s demagoguery and cruelty. The speech he gave in the Bundestag and in which he appealed to individual responsibility to prevent the number of infections and victims from soaring at Christmas was an example of responsibility. Unlike other prominent politicians, he performs government functions rather than fleeing to propaganda. She bears the consequences of her decisions and is characterized by brief interventions and clear messages based on scientific and health criteria. Leadership that doesn’t work with cheating and improvisation requires determination, credibility, and knowledge. “
