Angela Merkel on her podcast: “Stay home whenever possible”


In an urgent appeal, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) called on German citizens to reduce their contacts and refrain from traveling. In view of the high number of corona infections, Merkel addressed her listeners in “Federal Chancellor Merkel aktuell”.

your most important statements from the podcast at a glance:

  • Merkel said: “Meet significantly fewer people, either outside or at home.”

  • “Avoid any trip that is not really necessary, any celebration that is not really necessary.”

  • The Chancellor also warned: “Please stay home, whenever possible, in your place of residence.”

  • He added: “I know it not only sounds harsh, in individual cases it is also a difficult resignation.” But you only have to do it temporarily. Merkel stressed that this exemption will eventually be done “by ourselves.”

  • “For our own health and that of all those whom we can save a disease. That is why our health system does not overflow, that our children’s schools and nurseries remain open. For our economy and our jobs, ”he said.

  • “The relatively relaxed summer is over, we now face difficult months. What winter will be like, what our Christmas will be like, will be decided in the coming days and weeks.”

  • “Now we must do everything possible to ensure that the virus does not spread uncontrollably,” the foreign minister warned. Every day counts. Each and every one of the people can help the numbers go down again by observing the minimum distance and hygiene rules, as well as through oral and nasal protection.

  • “But we have to go further now,” Merkel said. “Science tells us clearly: the spread of the virus depends directly on the number of contacts and encounters each of us has.” If everyone now significantly reduces their encounters outside their own family for a time, “then we can succeed in stopping and reversing the trend towards more and more infections.”

The number of new coronavirus infections has been reaching new highs in Germany for days. In the early hours of Saturday, with 7,830 new cases of infection in one day, a record number was reached again, as announced by the Robert Koch Institute.

The podcast “Federal Chancellor Merkel aktuell” can be found through this link, it can be accessed through Spotify, iTunes and Deezer, among others.

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