Angela Merkel: “Now we are in the third wave”


Germany Angela Merkel

“Now we are in the third wave”

“If it is the Chancellor’s turn, the blockade will be extended”

Chancellor Angela Merkel has discussed a step-by-step plan to ease the blockade. At the same time, he says that Germany is in the third wave. An opening seems a long way off, according to WELT reporter Michael Wüllenweber.

In the online session of the Union parliamentary group on Tuesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said: “We are now in the third wave.” He came out in favor of cautious initial steps.

BChancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) warned at the Union parliamentary group’s online session that it must take careful steps to open the corona pandemic. “We should not receive waves now,” he said Tuesday regarding the virus mutations, according to information from participants in Reuters and RTL / n-tv. “Now we are in the third wave,” added the chancellor.

If federal states took steps to open up, there had to be the prospect that institutions could remain open after opening. Nobody will be done a favor “when we close what we once opened.” The Chancellor said the rapid test and self-test options cushioned the initial steps better than in 2020.

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Merkel concretized her ideas for careful initial steps in combination with increased testing possibilities. There are three threads you want to open step by step, Merkel said, according to information from the German Press Agency. The Chancellor mentioned personal contact restrictions, as well as the education and economic sectors.

Merkel: finding a way to summer

Merkel made it clear that initial steps should be worked out at the next Prime Minister’s Conference on March 3. It should then be agreed under what circumstances these steps could be taken. With each initial step, the goal should be to avoid an exponential growth in the number of infections, also in view of the various mutations. The goal is to find a way into summer where the effects of vaccination can also be clearly seen. And in which nothing has to be closed again what has been opened.

All three aspects deal with personal contact restrictions and opportunities to meet in certain groups, Merkel said. The second stream deals with educational issues, after primary schools, upper classes, secondary schools, vocational schools and universities. The third chapter has to do with economic issues: shops, restaurants and one-day hotels, Merkel said. It also included group sports and cultural events.

The best thing to do is choose packages where you don’t just take something single-stranded, but try to sensibly tie things together from different areas of life, Merkel suggested. After the individual opening steps, check that you are not going back to exponential growth.

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In politics, there is no discernible strategy other than lockdown and non-lockdown change.  Angela Merkel and Armin Laschet have to open their eyes a lot

Belief in science

If this happens, you will very quickly find yourself back in a situation where the healthcare system could be overloaded. With a doubling cycle of ten or 14 days you are very fast with very high numbers.
