Angela Merkel compared to Hitler: resignation of the Maltese ambassador


On the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Maltese ambassador to Finland made insulting statements: Chancellor Merkel controlled Germany like Hitler. Now he had to leave his post.

Malta’s ambassador to Finland resigned after connecting Angela Merkel with Adolf Hitler. Michael Zammit Tabona left his post with immediate effect, the Maltese Foreign Ministry said Sunday night. Zammit Tabona’s words did not reflect Malta’s position, which is based on friendship and mutual respect between the two countries.

The ambassador had written on Facebook on Friday, the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe: “75 years ago we detained Hitler. Who is detaining Angela Merkel? She has fulfilled Hitler’s dream! To control Europe” . Zammit Tabona was named in 2014.

Malta’s Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo confirmed to the Times of Malta newspaper on Sunday that the ambassador had resigned and that an apology would be sent to Germany for the “callous” comment.
