Angela Merkel (CDU): Seehofer (CSU) wants the chancellor’s fifth term


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While the debate over Angela Merkel’s successor has accelerated, a statement by Horst Seehofer makes him listen.

  • Horst Seehofer entered the Crown pandemic not yet in evidence.
  • Now answer Federal Minister of the Interior talk and sing one Hymn of praise to Angela Merkel.
  • Also, the 70-year-old horrifies those who are with you again. Holidays abroad to flirt
  • Here you will find all Corona news about Germany, too Acts: The coronavirus * is very dangerous.

Berlin – In the last few weeks it’s over Horst Seehofer He was quite quiet. While many government politicians were publicly active due to the coronavirus pandemic *, it was Federal Minister of the Interior No statement can be heard in this regard. That is now over: Markus Söder’s predecessor as Bavarian Prime Minister asked to be interviewed in the capital, among which are notable statements.

“I don’t use a television studio like my living room. I only show up when I have something to say, “says Union politician BamS announced as he describes he has been spreading since the beginning of Covid-19 * behave carefully from the beginning.

Seehofer on Merkel’s successor: “I can’t deny …”

70 year old man uses conversation for one Hymn of praise to the chancellor
Angela Merkel (CDU)
* *: “You are leading Germany * through the crisis with great force. We can be happy that in this situation we have a chancellor at the head of our country ”, enthuses Seehofer about the most powerful woman in the world, whose fourth term is coming to an end.

While public and also within the Union on the Succession of 65 years. is disputed or fought, the CSU man brings into play another variant: that the scientist studied Merkel in the Election of the Bundestag in Fall 2021 you can still compete after all. “I can’t deny that I heard the idea more recently,” says Horst Seehofer, speaking about the behind-the-scenes rumors from the federal government. “We can be happy that in this situation we have a chancellor at the top of our country.” According to Seehofer, behind the scenes, there is even the possibility chancellor’s fifth term argued

Horst Seehofer is telling about the future of Angela Merkel’s Federal Chancellery.

© dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

Holidays despite Corona? Seehofer Grants Austrian Fans And Chancellor Kurz Severe Removal

In the interview, Horst Seehofer also accepts invitations from Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz someone who has already invited the Germans to vacation in the neighboring country: “As long as the virus does not go on vacation, we also have to limit our travel plans, as understandable as is the desire of the people and the tourism industry. Protection against infection * sets the schedule. ” And what about summer vacations in general in other countries?

As the Federal Minister of the Interior describes, one has to accept entry controls and bans * even longer, and look for a relaxing one Time in Germany configure: “It depends on the infection process. Nobody wants to restrict citizens’ freedom of movement more than is absolutely necessary. But reckless openings, which later turn into more contagion *, do not help anyone.”

Meanwhile, the Czech Republic, another Austrian neighbor, is considering opening the country’s borders again in July. Talks with Austria and Slovakia are well advanced, said Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek.

Meanwhile, an explosive report from a secret service document caused a stir, according to which China wanted to cover up the Corona outbreak and therefore lie to everyone.


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