Eleven years after the hoax about a six-year-old boy who allegedly escaped in a helium balloon in the United States, Falcon Heene’s parents were pardoned. The ad addicted family had kept America and the entire world in suspense with a crazy story of lies.
Fort Collins (Colorado) – “It is time to stop allowing a permanent criminal record of the balloon boy saga and bringing parents down for the rest of their lives,” Colorado Governor Jared Polis said the day before Christmas. The parents were sentenced to 90 and 20 days behind bars.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/im-dezember-2009-wurde-mayumi-und-falcon-heene-der-prozess-machen-08554d2671d84e588b040794bbe342d9-74620050/Bild/7. bild.jpg “/> In December 2009 the Heenes were tried Photo: AFP
The legend of the balloon boy
Big alarm in Fort Collins (Colorado) in October 2009: According to Daddy Falcon Heene, his son Falcon (6) should be in a helium balloon built by his father that had come loose. The National Guard with helicopters, private jets, police and fire departments went to the US state of Colorado in search of the boy. Television stations broadcast the search live.
Everything was dramatized by witnesses who wanted to have seen that the boy had fallen from the balloon gondola …
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/15-oktober-2009-der-selbstgebaute-helium-ballo-in-landet-in-der-naehe-des-flughafens-von- denver-col-55f3be1887bc4d51980eec0b94345bd0-74620308 / image / 6.image.jpg “/> October 15, 2009: Self-made helium balloon lands near Denver airport (Colorado, USA)Photo: dpa