Amazon launches the third wave earlier


Good news for some Amazon customers. The retailer is now shipping the PS5 consoles requested during the third wave earlier than planned.

That is new: On December 2, 2020, Amazon customers received emails about a modified delivery date. These are the PlayStation 5 consoles that were ordered on By the third wave, gamers were able to get hold of these coveted consoles at the online retailer. But despite the November 19 order, they were originally not supposed to arrive until the third week of December.

In the December 2 emails, the delivery date is significantly advanced. The console could be delivered between December 4-5.

It also affects us

At MeinMMO we were also able to order a PS5 on Amazon for the third wave on November 19. On the night of December 2, we were informed about a change in the delivery date.

“There is a new estimated delivery date for your Amazon order. As soon as your items are shipped we will send you an email confirmation. “

In addition, the new delivery date between Friday, December 4 and Saturday, December 5.

PS5 order from Amazon before

Delivery confirmation email has not yet been received (as of December 3, 2020 – 10:03 am).

Users show that: PS5 orders are still a big topic on social media. Users talk about the fact that Amazon also adjusted the delivery date of the PS5 for them. Apparently these are buyers who ordered successfully on November 19.

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Were you successful with your order or do you really want to get a PS5 anyway? Then take a look at the right accessories for consoles:

You need to know that to buy the PS5

The fourth wave is underway: At the moment, it is possible to reorder the PS5. Some dealers confirmed that you can buy consoles from them again. These include Otto, Euronics, Medimax, and GameStop.

We have a live ticker for you to buy the PS5 during the fourth wave, which will inform you as soon as there are new consoles and where you can attack.

Do you have any tips to consider when buying the PS5? Or are you already one of the lucky ones who placed an order successfully? Tell us here at MeinMMO about the history of your PS5 order and how it went.
