Almost total use of intensive care beds in Switzerland: health economist wants Corona skeptics no longer treated – politics


Should crown skeptics have to do without an intensive care bed? At least that’s what Swiss health economist Willy Oggier suggests in an interview with the “Basler Zeitung.” Literally, Oggier said: “I suggest that the skeptics of the crown lose their right to a sharp bed or an intensive care facility if there is a shortage.”

According to this, people who were reported for deliberately ignoring distance and hygiene rules should be held accountable for their actions in bottleneck situations. According to Oggier, “these people should be registered by name and, when in doubt, should not be given an intensive care bed.”

Responding to the objection that such punitive measures sound “more like China than Switzerland”, Oggier stressed that he was not interested in “giving points for social behavior.” If clinics were pushed to their limits, medical professionals couldn’t help but decide who to give the last bed to.

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“I think it is fairer when the self-proclaimed rebel Corona falls behind than when he just punches the older patient in the room,” said health economist Oggier in an interview. Oggier was sympathetic to the effect of such a bullying policy: “A signaling effect doesn’t have to be a bad thing.” Not only can people be lured in with bonuses, it often takes “a penalty to make the system work.”

Switzerland particularly affected by the pandemic

Due to the high number of Covid 19 patients, the situation in Swiss clinics is tense: Last week, only slightly less than 20 percent of Swiss intensive care beds were free, as the coordinated medical service learned from surveys. in hospitals. Consequently, more than 900 of the total 1,149 intensive care beds were occupied. Last Saturday, 505 Covid 19 patients were treated in Swiss intensive care units.

Second wave crown hits Switzerland with full force

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In Europe, along with countries like Austria and Italy, Switzerland is one of the countries hardest hit by the corona pandemic. As of Monday afternoon, Switzerland had 393 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. So far, more than 3,500 people have died in Switzerland from or with Covid 19 disease. (with dpa)
