All the misery of the Saxon crown is evident in Vogtland


The situation of the crown in Saxony is dramatic: in Vogtland the figures have reached unimaginable proportions, sometimes with an incidence of more than 800 in 7 days. The problems in the place are diverse.

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Vogtland is again causing a stir as a negative leader in the corona pandemic. In the spring, it was the Greiz district in Thuringia that was one of the first to break the critical upper limits, now the Vogtlandkreis on the Saxon side has catapulted to the top of the negative list of German urban districts and districts.

The 7-day incidence was temporarily above the 800 mark in recent days. The region in southwestern Saxony state, the crown hot spot, had previously reported relatively moderate infection figures for a long time. How did this happen despite the tight crown blockade in Saxony?

The virus spreads mainly in nursing homes

According to authorities, larger family celebrations played an important role in the rapid spread of the virus in the Greiz district in the spring, but the current dizzying values ​​are now obviously due to failures in the Plauen health department. According to the district administrator Rolf Keil (CDU), a huge backlog had formed in the authority when processing infection cases. After deducting the waste, the infection rate is no higher than in neighboring counties, Keil says.

According to him, the virus spreads mainly in nursing homes. But citizens who did not adhere to Crown regulations will also participate in the current situation. It wasn’t until the weekend, for example, that strangers sprayed paint on the district’s new vaccination center and billboards and left the word “poison.”

The delay is processed in the health department

At the Helios de Plauen Clinic there is talk of a “dynamic development of Covid 19 infections” in the district. That is why the hospital has increased its capacities. Reserve beds were activated in the intensive care unit, spokeswoman Katharina Kurzweg said upon request. If the number of patients increases significantly, those affected could be transferred to other clinics. “So far this has not been necessary.”

At least the backlog at the health department has been processed with additional staff since mid-December, and it has been increasing the statistics ever since. Many of the new infections recently reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) were, therefore, some time ago and do not reflect the current infection situation, the district office said Monday.

Saxony as the federal state with the highest incidence

In fact, the county curve points downward. While more than 400 corona cases were reported to the RKI on December 29, the number in recent days was well below 100. According to the RKI, the 7-day incidence in the Vogtland district had dropped to just under 632 on Monday. This means that the region remains at the top of the national position, ahead of the Meißen district (530) and Altenburger Land in Thuringia (just under 468).

For the whole of Germany, the average was around 139 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, in Saxony, with the highest incidence of all federal states, 323. However, interpreting the data remains difficult because, according to the RKI, there are wreath cases around Christmas and New Years. they were discovered, recorded and transmitted late.

No more yo-yo effect again

In view of such high figures, not only in Vogtland, it is clear that the reduction of crown restrictions is a long way off. Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) on Monday spoke in favor of an extension of the closure beyond January 10 and did not want to commit to a time to open schools and kindergartens.

Kretschmer was referring to experiences with the “closing light.” At that time it was noticed that open schools and shops had no effect. “If we don’t want to fall for this yo-yo effect – loosen up, shut down, reopen, and then take tough action again – we need to keep our nerves now.” The only tool he has is to avoid contact.

“Dark months now await us”

It is advisable to remain in peace for a while, stressed the head of government. “We are not going to open schools in Saxony immediately, but we will keep them closed until the end of January.” Kretschmer sadly: “Now we have dark months ahead of us. That is the difference from last year: summer came just after the first wave and has removed a lot of problems. We cannot expect that now.”

On Tuesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states want to decide on the restrictions on public life that have been in force since mid-December. Most prime ministers are in favor of extending the crown measures until the end of January.
