Alert day in Berlin: Nina and Katwarn app alarm problems – no sirens



Alarm reported too late

Warning day breakdown: Bavaria does not adhere to the agreement

During the test alarm, the warning app was silent for many Berliners. Reason: Bavaria sent its own warning and blocked the federal government

10.09.2020, Berlin:

09/10/2020, Berlin: “Nationwide trial warning. No danger” is written on an information board at Alexanderplatz on the first day of the nationwide warning.

Photo: dpa

Sedan. There were problems with the national test alarm in Berlin on Thursday. The Nina or Katwarn warning apps either didn’t send a message at eleven o’clock or just delayed it. The Nina-Warn app gave a late warning around 11.30am and the warning around 11.40am

“We know it partially worked,” said a spokeswoman for the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK) in Bonn. In some cases, however, the modular alert system was overloaded. “Therefore, there were delays in activation. The results of the alert day are now being collected from the municipalities and federal states, and after an evaluation work will be carried out in the technical alert systems.

Bavaria does not adhere to the agreement and sends its own warning

Dr. Thomas Herzog, Vice President of BBK stated that based on initial findings, the warning was triggered on time. However, contrary to the agreement, a federal state sent its own warning through the application. According to information from the Berliner Morgenpost, it should be Bavaria. The state’s act to act only meant that the BBK warning was blocked. This resulted in the time lag. Now consider whether you should prioritize warnings from the federal government over states.

Alert day 2020 in Berlin: Interior senator Geisel calls problems “luck”

The Senate Department of Home Affairs said on Twitter at noon that it “had no influence on today’s statement.” “The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance was primarily responsible for today’s planned launch,” he said. Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) called the technical problems with the warning “lucky”. Practice precisely for such cases so that it does not happen in an emergency. “Hopefully we’ll be better on the next warning day next year.” The national warning day should take place every year on the second Thursday in September.

The problems did not only arise in the capital. Also in much of Thuringia there were apparently no reports on Katwarn or Nina. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the Katwarn app only triggered the alarm 30 minutes later. Actually, the alarm should go off in cities, counties and municipalities at 11 a.m. Sirens should howl, cell phones should beep, and radio and television broadcasts should be interrupted where there are still some.

The so-called alert day served as preparation for dangerous situations such as severe storms, floods, chemical accidents or terrorist attacks. The public should be made aware of the alert issue and the role and sequence of the alert made understandable. In addition, the authority wanted to draw attention to available warning devices, such as warning applications, digital advertising spaces and sirens. According to the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, the Nina application has more than six million users (as of April 2020).

More about the subject: Nationwide Warning Day: Sirens Sound, But Apps Attack

Berlin Warning Day 2020: “Imagine it’s #Warning Day and No One Warns”

Comments about the sometimes botched Warning Day in Berlin spiked on social media. One user wrote: “#Katwarn was half an hour late, #Nina is still silent, no sirens here. No SMS, no push messages, no messenger mounted. Now I’m waiting for the fax …”

DRK-LV Berliner Rotes Kreuz eV tweeted: “Imagine it was #Warning Day and no one was warning. We didn’t hear anything and no messages appeared in the #NINA and #KATWARN warning apps either. Did you hear anything?”

User Jonouchi was angry on Twitter. “In any case, the first exercise for #Berlin was a total disgrace and it is URGENT that he improve and use his brain. I have absolutely no understanding for that.” Another user expressed outrage: “It was a disappointment! The fact that # Berlin no longer has sirens to draw attention to disasters. Personally, I think it’s silly, but it’s a free gift. But that’s not even the ads. in the radio or the applications how #NINA works is more than questionable “.

Florian Korous joked about the failed warning day on Facebook: “I think the warning was sent by Deutsche Bahn and therefore has not yet reached Berlin.” User Philipp Lustig sees it similarly on Twitter: “The #Warning day worked really well. #NINA and #Katwarn have completely failed. It’s embarrassing when the servers are overloaded on the day of the notice. But hey, the Internet is a # new territory for all of us. “

The partially failed warning day is also compared to the opening of the BER, which has been postponed several times. User Red Player wrote: “Did the #Warning Day here in #Berlin have the same status as the #BER # opening?” Kamikater made a similar statement: “#Berlin is busy with the opening of the #BER. No time for disaster reports …”

There are no more mermaids in Berlin

Berliners had to dispense with acoustic warning signals, i.e. sirens, on Thursday. According to the Department of the Interior responsible for the Senate, there have been no sirens in public for about two decades. They have been dismantled since the mid-1990s, an agency spokesman said. “In a densely populated area like Berlin, it is important to be able to convey information as accurately as possible,” says a BKK information brochure. “Therefore, the state of Berlin does not use sirens.”

All information on the alert day is available centrally at, as well as information on disaster control and population alert specifically for Berlin at / katastrophenschutz / warnung.

Berlin Warning Day: Firefighters Get New Disaster Control Vehicles

Just in time for the day of the warning, the Berlin fire brigade received three new vehicles for disaster control. Interior Senator Geisel delivered the fire truck at noon in the courtyard of the fire station on Voltairestrasse in the Mitte district, as announced by the fire department on Twitter on Thursday. Consequently, the vehicles must be used by the volunteer fire department.

This was the day of the warning in Brandenburg: the sirens sounded

Unlike Berlin, mermaids howled in Brandenburg. Sirens could be heard in Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus at 11 a.m., dpa reporters reported. Even in the state capital, Potsdam, it got noisy in some corners. Residents reported they heard a loud siren in the Bornstedt district. At the Kirschallee there, the alarm sounded twice. Sirens could not be heard throughout the city, dpa reporters reported. According to the city, 17 sirens should sound. Announcements and notifications have also been made on television, radio and Twitter. In Potsdam, too, the Nina warning app didn’t work for all users. (with dpa)
