AIDA cancels New Years cruises: IT problems! – National News


Las Palmas (Spain) – Big disappointment for hundreds of cruise ship tourists!

The shipping company “Aida Cruises” canceled all trips on New Year’s Eve on short notice. The reason apparently is massive IT problems aboard the ships and at the corporate headquarters in Rostock.

There are currently two ships affected by the cancellation, the “Aidamar” and the “Aidaperla”, which sail between the Canary Islands (Spain). The rest of the fleet is at anchor due to Corona.

Both ships have been sailing since last week and are now heading to Gran Canaria, where the passengers will disembark.

BILD reached a traveler aboard the Aidamar. He says: “Since Christmas Eve, we as passengers have noticed a massive IT problem on board. We are in front of the Spanish island of La Palma. The boarding pass system has stopped working. Scraps of paper are used that would otherwise be automatically debited, for example when you buy something. The information system on board through the television screen in the cabin is not working either. “

The passenger continues: “At around 6.30pm (German time), Captain Toennies Kohrs made an announcement over the loudspeaker: There are huge IT problems at the company’s headquarters in Rostock. All of Aida’s ships are also affected. He asks us to come to the Theatrium on board at 7.30pm (local time = 8.30pm German time) to give us first-hand information. “

Aidamar-Kapitän Tönnies-KohrsPhoto: private

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Aidamar-Captain Toennies KohrsPhoto: private

Aida wrote on Facebook Friday afternoon: “Dear AIDA fans, unfortunately, we are currently affected by IT restrictions. Therefore, we are currently not available to our clients by phone or email. This especially affects the necessary communication with guests arriving for AIDAperla trips from December 26, 2020 and AIDAmar from December 27, 2020. Therefore, unfortunately we have to inform our guests that the arrival planned is not possible and that unfortunately we have to cancel these trips “.

Cruise experts posted on various Facebook groups that it was imperative for ships to have constant IT contact with the Rostock headquarters for security reasons.

But that is precisely what is obviously not possible at the moment. BILD couldn’t get to Aida either. The reason for this could be huge IT problems..

The BILD met the travelers on the Aidamar: “The rumor spread among the passengers and the crew that it could be a hacker attack.”

BILD could not confirm if this is the case at night. However, the truth is that a few weeks ago there was an attack by hackers on the “Hurtigruten” cruise line. At that time, apparently as now with Aida, important systems at corporate headquarters were paralyzed.

The company said on Christmas Eve:

Dear guests,

We are currently affected by IT restrictions. Therefore, our guests are unable to communicate with us by phone or email. This particularly affects the communication required with guests arriving at AIDAperla on December 26, 2020 (for example, the MyAIDA portal).

Therefore, we unfortunately have to inform our guests that we have to cancel the trip from December 26, 2020 to January 2, 2021. This also applies to our passing guests.

We have installed an additional counter at the reception for guests affected by the cancellation of the trip. We ask these guests to report there so that we can organize their return trip.

A good mess!
