After the television return, Helene Fischer sends words to former Florian Silbereisen


Following her comeback appearance, Helene Fischer celebrated her return to Instagram. image: mdr screenshot

Helene Fischer speaks after the television comeback and addresses Florian Silbereisen

What a surprise Friday night. After a year of abstinence from television, Helene Fischer suddenly reappeared on television. At the “Goldene Henne” award ceremony, the pop singer was honored for her “Helene Fischer Show”, which takes place every Christmas at ZDF. And Helene Fischer quickly took the stage and collected the award herself.

Now Helene is celebrating her upcoming comeback on Instagram. Germany’s most successful musician hadn’t spoken there for about three months – until now.

On Saturday afternoon, Helene Fischer thanked her fans for their support, but was also upset by the aftermath of her comeback appearance.

Helene Fischer “bleeds her heart” because her Christmas show on ZDF is canceled

“My eighth golden goose! Crazy!” Helene Fischer wrote. The “Helene Fischer Show” has been around since 2011. But this year the show is canceled due to Corona.

“My heart bleeds because there won’t be a great show this year, because after all, we would have had good reason to put together the most spectacular show for you and I certainly would have gone crazy with you celebrating my 10th anniversary.” writes Helene.

“I do not have to tell you here that the current circumstances do not allow such a great show to be carried out with acts of all kinds as we are all used to.” She was even more pleased with the award, “because I could feel again that they appreciate the meticulousness and attention to detail with which we treat this show.”

Helene thanks the fans and addresses Florian Silbereisen

Helene Fischer thanks her fans for the award and for the “unwavering positive energy” towards her.

His appeal to the fans: “These are not easy times for anyone, but hold on and be grateful for what you have! Stay strong, take care of each other and most of all, stay healthy!”

Helene Fischer also takes the opportunity to criticize media reports about her comeback appearance. “It always amazes me how well the media knows me and how exclusive they are, always and everywhere. Crazy!”

Among other things, the singer makes it clear that she did not have five “bodyguards” by her side when she returned to the hotel after the award ceremony. Instead, it was, among other things, a stylist and manager who accompanied Helene. “You really only touch your head,” Helene Fischer wrote.

In the end, Helene Fischer even turned to ex-boyfriend Florian Silbereisen, whom she linked in her post. “Thank you, my dear Florian, for leaving the ‘extra’ room just to be with us a little longer. It was a very, very nice evening, Bussi,” Helene wrote. He was probably referring to reports in various outlets that they had noticed that Florian Silbereisen was not sitting in his place in the hall when Helene Fischer received her award.

At the end of the day, Helene Fischer wrote to her ex-boyfriend Silbereisen: “Congratulations on the golden goose!”


The other perspective

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The US election campaign is entering the hot phase. There are just a few days left until the contest between the two presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden is decided. 70 million US citizens have already voted by mail, more than ever.

But if you trust the polls, the race is over. National polls put Democratic challenger Joe Biden at an average of 52.1 percent. The current Trump ends at 43.1 percent.

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