After the riot in the Capitol: police die from injuries


A police officer died from his injuries after the US Parliament was stormed. Meanwhile, the investigation into the riots is in full swing. More than 90 people were arrested, according to an investigation on social media.

US investigating authorities have a swift processing of the storm on Capitol Hill. Law enforcement officers worked through the night gathering evidence and identifying the perpetrators. According to the Washington police, more than 90 people were arrested. The FBI also created a website for referrals to storm participants on Capitol Hill. The US Federal Police offers the ability to upload crime videos and photos there.

Investigators can also draw on a wealth of incriminating material firsthand: Trump supporters had posted numerous photos and videos on social media. Since they mostly did not wear masks despite the corona risk, many faces can be clearly seen on them. The attackers were filmed, among other things, as they walked through the halls of the Capitol and broke into the boardroom and parliamentarians’ offices.

Promised constant prosecution

Acting United States Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen has promised a rigorous prosecution of the Capitol rioters. His department will ensure that those responsible for the attack on the government and the rule of law in the country are held accountable for their actions. The United States federal prosecutor’s office announced that criminal charges had already been filed in 55 cases. Hundreds of Justice Department employees are searching social media for the most suspects.

Angry supporters of the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, marched in front of the headquarters of the United States Congress, the Capitol, and stormed the poorly secured parliament building. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser said it was a clear case of “internal terrorism.” The perpetrators must be arrested and brought to justice.

Police dies after injuries

Meanwhile, a police officer died from his injuries. After the riots, he returned to his unit office and collapsed there. More than 50 police officers were injured during the storm on Capitol Hill, and several forces working for congressional security were hospitalized with serious injuries, said Capitol Police Department Chief Steven Sund.

The siege of the congress building was tantamount to criminal and unbridled behavior. The mob used metal rods, chemical irritants and other weapons against emergency services when they broke into the building. The protesters had actively targeted police officers and were determined to storm the Capitol with heavy damage.

Police chief resigns

After severe criticism of the actions of the Capitol Police, his boss has now announced personal consequences. CNN and the Washington Post report, citing law enforcement circles. On January 16, he will resign as chief of the Capitol Police. Sund had initially defended his staff, saying that his police officers had acted heroically. An internal investigation should now clarify why the Capitol Police were not prepared for the attack by the rioters.


The day they stormed the Washington Capitol

January 6 begins with a traditional session: both houses of the United States Congress meet to confirm the electoral victory of Joe Biden. Some Republicans have announced their resistance, but in general it is expected that it will be confirmed. | Image source: AP

6,200 National Guards Ordained

The United States Department of Defense appointed approximately 6,200 National Guard members to assist the local police force. Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller activated the Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland National Guards for up to 30 days. Pentagon circles have said that the US Capitol and the surrounding area should be protected until after President-elect Joe Biden takes office on January 20. The National Guard is scheduled to arrive in Washington in the next few days.
