After the meeting between ministers and chancellor: Without exception: Saxony-Anhalt is implementing stricter crown measures


Saxony-Anhalt will implement the strictest crown measures agreed to by the federal and state governments on Tuesday without any objection. Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) said in the evening that this time there were “no minutes or restrictions”. There was an agreement between the federal and state governments.

This will extend the currently applicable measures until the end of January. Individual rules are being tightened, particularly those related to private contacts.

Contact restrictions in the private sector

“Too much is happening in the private sector. And in all age groups,” Haseloff said, emphasizing that the virus could not be allowed to spread further. If curfews like in France are to be avoided, “there must be a shakeup from this society.” There is not much space left, except that it is a “total stop of social life until production”.

If people do not understand that they themselves, for the most part, are responsible for what happens to them … to each other, to each other, to each other, protecting others in solidarity and not just themselves … then the state will be somewhere with its possibilities. be at the end.

Reiner Haseloff (CDU), Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt

15 kilometer radius of movement in hot spots

This means that in Saxony-Anhalt, also in the private sector, apart from one’s own household, one can only find another person from another household. The Minister of Health, Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD), referred to the circulation radius of 15 kilometers around the place of residence, which was decided by critical points and that can only be crossed for a valid reason. Tourist excursions are not a valid reason, said the minister. For the next three weeks, everyone should “stay home as long as possible.”

In Thuringia and Saxony, this measure has already taken effect, Haseloff said. It will be seen how exactly this will now be formulated in the state ordinance. The aim is to exclude unavoidable routes, such as shopping or visiting the sick.

Schools remain closed, except for the last few years

According to the state government, current regulations for schools and nurseries will also be maintained. The Minister of Education, Marco Tullner (CDU), spoke of a very sad day for education policy. Now there would be at least three more weeks “without normal educational offerings.” So the schools will not reopen at the end of the Christmas break.

We will close the schools from next Monday and completely.

Marco Tullner (CDU), Minister of Education of Saxony-Anhalt

Emergency care will be established in elementary schools, as well as daycare and daycare. For all secondary schools there will be a shift to distance learning, the minister said. Graduate classes were an exception. There should be daily instruction in the classroom for them.

From the beginning of February, classroom lessons could once again be possible in school classes one through six, if the infection rate has improved significantly by then. In a later step, seventh graders could be re-taught in the alternative model. However, Tullner also noted: “No one can really say that something will change from February.” That could only be decided in late January with a look at the infection status.

Enclosed dining rooms and home offices

The federal and state governments also want to reduce the risk of infection in businesses. Canteens should, whenever possible, be closed and only offer take away food. Additionally, Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne once again called on employers to allow employees to work from home.

On January 25, the heads of government of the federal states will meet again with Chancellor Merkel (CDU) and decide the measures for February. According to the Robert Koch Institute, more reliable data on the infection status will also be available at the turn of the year.
