After the masks affair: Union members make a declaration of honor


Status: March 12, 2021 7:38 pm

After the deadline, all the MEPs of the Union signed a declaration of honor. You confirm that you have not gained any financial advantage in the Corona crisis. Previously, pandemic agreements of some parliamentarians had been known.

At the end of the deadline set by the leadership of the Union parliamentary group, the 240 members of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group signed the required declaration of honor. “All members of the CDU / CSU of the Bundestag have signed this statement, making it clear that they have worked with all their might during the corona pandemic to overcome the crisis, help citizens and support businesses without obtaining any personal gain. of it, “he wrote. parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) and CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt in a letter to MPs.

In the letter to MPs, Brinkhaus and Dobrindt also announced that they would implement a stricter code of conduct for members of the parliamentary group. At the legislative level, the transparency provisions of the law of parliament should be strengthened.

Allegations of corruption and lobbying

Brinkhaus and Dobrindt reacted to the so-called mask affair and other cases of controversial lobbyists in their group. Parliamentarians Georg Nüßlein (formerly CSU) and Nikolas Löbel (formerly CDU), who have since left the parties, are said to have charged high commissions for mediating the mask shops in the Crown crisis. You see your responsibility, the parliamentary group now wrote, “to present and clarify such facts in a completely transparent way.” Following allegations of corruption and lobbying, three deputies have left the parliamentary group, two of them resigned.

Brinkhaus and Dobrindt had previously asked all MPs to declare in writing before Friday night that they had not gained any financial benefit from the pandemic-related transactions. This statement must be related to the years 2020 and 2021 and take into account all transactions that were carried out “directly or through companies,” the letter said. All financial advantages “derived from the purchase or sale of medical products, such as protective equipment, testing and vaccination requirements, making contacts, sending offers or inquiries, or supporting or advising third parties in such activities, must be taken into account. “., Brinkhaus,” asked Dobrindt.

Education and transparency

The Union parliamentary group reacted to the allegations “immediately and consistently, with drastic measures consisting of three elements,” Brinkhaus and Dobrindt wrote to MPs: information, transparency and a code of conduct. At the same time, MEPs were asked “to support the transparency offensive we have started. This is how we want to regain the trust that has been lost due to people’s misconduct”.
