After the demonstration in Leipzig on November 7: the organizer of the protests of the “lateral thinkers” fell ill with corona – politics


A co-organizer of a “lateral thinking” demonstration in Leipzig apparently had to be transferred to a hospital due to a corona infection. As reported by the “Leipziger Volkszeitung” (LVZ), the man was artificially ventilated a good week after the November 7 rally at a Leipzig clinic.

“One of the best-known lateral thinkers who manifested in Leipzig was intubated eight days later,” said the director of the Leipzig University Clinic, Professor Christoph Josten, at the Saxony state press conference. “The virus does not take people into account, whoever they are,” said the medical professional. He did not comment on the exact state of the patient’s health.

But Josten asked people to adhere to the rules of distance and reduce contacts to protect themselves and others. Your clinic has reached the limit of its capacity. If things continue like this, hospitals would have to raise the white flag at Christmas.

The November 7 demonstration made headlines across the country. The allowed number of 16,000 participants was clearly exceeded. Many participants did not adhere to safety distances and did not wear masks.

When the demonstration broke up, there were clashes with the police. Journalists were attacked by protesters. In Baden-Württemberg, the movement of lateral thinking is now being observed by the state protection of the constitution.
