After storming the United States Capitol: Democrats prepare for impeachment of Trump


Democrats in the House of Representatives have given US President Trump an ultimatum: resign, or there will be a second impeachment trial. However, this would have little chance of success before the change of power.

Democrats in the US House of Representatives are moving ahead with preparations for a possible second impeachment against US President-elect Donald Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in the evening after an online conference with colleagues from the Democratic group: “MEPs expect the president to step down immediately.”

Should this not happen, he instructed the Rules Committee to make preparations for the impeachment process. CNN and Fox News aired an impeachment resolution prepared by the Democratic deputies on one charge: “inciting a riot.” In it, Trump is accused of inciting supporters at a rally in Washington on Wednesday, who then stormed the Capitol.

A threat to the security of the United States?

The Republican has continued his efforts to obstruct the certification of the presidential election results, he said. Democrat Joe Biden had won the election. “President Trump has put the security of the United States and its government institutions at serious risk.” It threatened the integrity of the democratic system and undermined the peaceful transfer of power. With his behavior, Trump had shown “that he will continue to be a threat to national security, democracy and the constitution if he is allowed to remain in office.”

Therefore, Trump must be removed from office. He must also be expelled from future government offices. Trump would be the first president of the United States against whom two impeachment processes would be opened. CNN and Fox News reported that the draft resolution could be presented on Monday.

Unlikely conviction

In the Democratic-ruled House of Representatives, passage of impeachment proceedings is considered safe. However, it will be decided in the United States Senate. There a two-thirds majority would be necessary for a conviction that is not foreseeable. It is highly unlikely that the Senate proceedings can be concluded before Biden’s inauguration on January 20.

The White House warned late at night about the consequences of another impeachment against Trump shortly before the change of power. “A politically motivated impeachment against a president who did a great job with twelve days remaining in office will only serve to further divide our great country,” said spokesman Judd Deere. He also touched on Trump’s words the day before that it was time for healing and unity.

Republican senator calls on Trump to resign

As the first Republican member of the Senate, Lisa Murkowski has called on Trump to resign. The Alaska senator told the Anchorage News that she wanted Trump to go up to the Capitol because of the storm of a violent crowd of his supporters. “I want him out. He has done quite a bit of damage,” he said, adding, “If the Republican Party is nothing more than a Trump party, I seriously wonder if this is the party for me.”
