After Israel Agreed With UAE: Norway Nominated Trump For Nobel Prize


The president of the United States, Trump, has long been toying with the Nobel Peace Prize; Since Israel and the United Arab Emirates have normalized their relations after the White House mediation, this no longer seems impossible. Now he’s even nominated.

A Norwegian MP has nominated US President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. Christian Tybring-Gjedde of the right-wing populist Progress Party praised Trump’s commitment to the UAE-Israel deal on his Facebook page. “The agreement could pave the way for a lasting peace between many Arab countries and Israel,” Tybring-Gjedde said.

He hoped that the Nobel Committee would be able to assess what Trump has achieved internationally and not bump into established prejudices against the president of the United States. For this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, the new winner will always be announced in October, the nomination comes too late. At the end of February, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that 317 candidates had been nominated before the deadline. Trump responded to the nomination on Twitter: “Thank you!”

Also a lawyer in the Bundestag

Trump’s security adviser also believes his boss should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for the negotiated rapprochement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “I think the president will go down in history as a great peacemaker,” Trump’s national security adviser Robert O’Brien said in mid-August. Trump had previously released the statement of the two countries and the United States on the agreement. “Today’s work is an example of why it could rightly be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize, and it should be a favorite,” O’Brien said.

In Germany, the AfD is one of its defenders. “In the Middle East, the signs are pointing to peace. This is a historic diplomatic success for Donald Trump,” said human rights spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group, Jürgen Braun, also shortly after the agreement. “In reality, former US President Barack Obama should now pass his Nobel Peace Prize to incumbent Donald Trump,” he added.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde

The agreement could pave the way for a lasting peace between many Arab countries and Israel.

(Photo: dpa)

Criticism of Price for Obama

Trump himself had already said last year that he would get the Nobel Prize “for many things”, “if they are awarded fairly, which is not the case.” He himself also describes the announced withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan as the fulfillment of his promise to end this war. But this is controversial: Some fear that the Taliban may regain power as a result.

Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, received the Nobel Peace Prize at the beginning of his term. The award was also based on the fact that his choice had raised hope for a better future in the world. He also strengthened international diplomacy and campaigned for a world free of nuclear weapons. Later, however, criticism of the award ceremony was strong because Obama expanded the fight with drones, for example in Afghanistan.
