After crown disease: Trump is no longer contagious, according to his personal physician


A week ago Trump was still in the hospital, now his personal doctor has told him that he is no longer contagious. However, some questions about your health remain unclear. The president of the United States himself is back in full swing.

Following his Covid 19 illness, US President Donald Trump is no longer contagious, according to his personal physician. The latest coronavirus test had shown according to “currently recognized standards” that the president “no longer poses a risk of transmission to others,” said Dr. Sean Conley in a letter distributed by the White House. He was referring to Trump’s latest test on Saturday morning.

Trump, who is running for a second term on Nov.3, has already planned major campaign appearances starting Monday. Trump can now, about ten days after the first symptoms appear, end his voluntary quarantine according to the criteria of the CDC’s health authority, the doctor said.

All symptoms “improved”

Tests over the course of his illness had shown a steadily decreasing concentration of virus, Conley continued. It will continue to monitor Trump, who returns to “his active schedule.” Trump has been fever-free for “more than 24 hours” and “all symptoms” have improved, the doctor wrote. However, he did not provide any information on what symptoms were still detectable in Trump and to what extent.

Also, Conley never explicitly wrote that Trump’s latest crown test was negative. Therefore, it is also possible that the most recent test was still positive due to a low virus concentration.

Trump, 74, said he had tested positive for the corona virus on October 1. However, the White House never announced when Trump’s regular crown tests were last negative. Trump fell ill with Covid-19 and was therefore treated in a military hospital for three days starting on October 2. There the doctors gave him the antiviral drug remdesivir, anti-inflammatory drugs and an experimental antibody cocktail, among other things. According to many experts, the aggressive treatment – contrary to the White House representation – suggested a more serious illness.

“I feel great”

Trump made a longer television appearance for the first time on Friday, and on Saturday he appeared briefly again in public at the White House. Trump spoke from a White House balcony in front of several hundred supporters who had gathered on the site’s south lawn. They mostly wore masks, but they were relatively crowded. “I feel great,” Trump said to cheers from supporters.

The Republican strongly warned of an electoral victory for his Democratic challenger Joe Biden. His speech was unusually short, with less than 20 minutes: on such occasions, Trump usually speaks for more than an hour. Biden’s program was “socialist” or even “communist” and would plunge the country into crisis, Trump claimed. The Democrat cannot rule the country, Trump said. In polls, the president is a good three weeks before the election, however, behind Biden (77), former senator and former vice president.

Announced campaign appearances

Trump’s campaign team has announced a major appearance in the president’s campaign in the constituencies of Florida, Pennsylvania and Iowa for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Trump also promised again at the White House appearance that the pandemic would soon end.

However, many experts consider Trump’s forecasts for the pandemic to be too optimistic and accuse him of failure. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, about 7.7 million people have been infected with the corona virus in the country of 330 million people and 214,000 people have died.
